Ranking the indicators of a justice-oriented education and improvement system using the DEMATEL-ANP (DANP) combination method
Subject Areas : Education
maryam hafezian
royae affassiabi
mohammad khazaei
1 - Assistant professor, Departement of Educational Administration, Bojnoord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnoord, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor, Departement of Educational Administration, Bojnoord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnoord, Iran.
3 - ph. d student in Educational Administration, Bojnoord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnoord, Iran.
Keywords: DANP, Improvement, educational system, central justice,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this research was to rank the indicators of the justice-based education and improvement system. The present research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive-survey in terms of method and field type in terms of data collection. The combined DEMATEL-ANP (DANP) method was used to analyze the data. This study was conducted in one of the districts of Mashhad education department. To determine the sample size, purposeful judgment sampling was performed, based on which 10 experts participated in the research. First, by studying the theoretical foundations, 23 indicators were identified in the form of 4 dimensions. Experts then identified 14 indicators from four dimensions. Relative content validity coefficient (CVR index) was used to screen the indicators. The combined DEMATEL-ANP (DANP) method was used to weight the indices. The results showed that the two dimensions of distributive justice and information justice with a weight of 0.33 are jointly the most important dimensions of organizational justice. Procedural justice and interactive justice are also in second place with a weight of 0.25. "Fit" with a weight of 0.359 was identified as the most important indicator of this study. "Effectiveness" with a weight of 0.349, "Transparency" with a weight of 0.346, "Information" with a weight of 0.333, "Justification and persuasion" with a weight of 0.321 and "Distribution and access" with a weight of 0.291 in the second to sixth ranks were the most important indicators determined in this study.
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- Akram,T., Lei, S.H., Haider, M.J., Hussain, S.T. (2020). The impact of organizational justice on employee innovative work behavior: Mediating role of knowledge sharing. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, Volume 5, Issue 2, April–June 2020, Pages 117-129.
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- Dosti, M., Safania, A. M., Shojaei, V. Abdi, A.(2011). Relationship between the components of organizational justice among the staff and professors of Islamic Azad University. Two Quarterly Journal of Management and Planning in Educational Systems, Volume 4, Number 6, 54-62. [in persian]
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- Kim, M., & Jones, P., & Rodriguez, a. (2008). "Influence of work status on organization commitment and sport identify of university athletic department workers" journal of issue in intercollegiate athletics, 1, 74 – 86.
- LashkarBlooki, M., Khodadad Hosseini, S. H., Hosseini, S. M., Hamidizadeh, M. R. (2012). Designing a sustainable strategy process model using a hybrid approach. Journal of Strategic Management Thought, Volume 6, Number 2, 121- 151. [in persian]
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- Mohammadzadeh Aval, R., Yadegari, F. (2018). Identifying the effective factors on educational justice and presenting its appropriate model in Islamic Azad University, Journal of Research in Educational Systems, 12 (special issue), 1256-1276. [in persian]
- Nouri Kalkhoran, F. (2019). Designing a monitoring system for training and improving human resource management based on the dashboard system. The first conference on human growth, development and health, Tehran, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University. [in persian]
- Ouyang, Z., Sang, J., Li, P., & Peng, J. (2015). Organizational justice and job insecurityas mediators of the effects of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction: Astudy from China. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 76, 147–152.
- Qaderi, I., Mirsapasi, N., Memarzadeh Tehran, G.H., Alipour, H. (2020). Identify and prioritize the indicators of the education-based education and improvement system. Journal of New Approach in Educational Management, Volume 10, Number 3 (39), 167-192. [in persian]
- Ranjdoost, Sh., Kazemi, M. (2019). Providing a model for creativity based on organizational culture and organizational justice among employees of the Department of Education, A New Approach in Educational Management, 9 (29), 340-311. [in persian]
- Samadi Miarkalai, H., Aghajani, H. A., Samadi Miarkalai, H. (2016). Explain the role of organizational justice and its components on the development of organizational citizenship behavior of employees through a causal inference system. Public Management Research, Volume 8, Number 27, 119-144. [in persian]
- Whitman, D. S., Caleo, S., Carpenter, N. C., Horner, M. T., & Bernerth, J. B. (2012).Fairness at the collective level: A meta-analytic examination of theconsequences and boundary conditions of organizational justice climate. TheJournal of Applied Psychology, 97(4), 776–791.http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ a0028021.