Analysis of smart and digital effective factors of the fourth industrial revolution with a strategy management approach in developing a technology roadmap for power plant equipment manufacturing and energy supply industries
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementShirin Karbasi 1 , Gholam Reza Hashemzadeh 2 , Abbas Khamseh 3 , Kiamars Fathi Hafshejani 4
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Industrial Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad Univwrsity, Karaj, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: fourth industrial revolution technology roadmap, Technology roadmap, Digital Transformation, intelligentization, Foresight,
Abstract :
he technology roadmap is one of the most effective approaches to align the organization's strategies with planning in the field of technology, from a strategic point of view and its integration with the new technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, the technology roadmap of the fourth industrial revolution leads organizations to new smart and digital technologies in order to achieve the organization's goals. And it leads to increase in productivity in production. This research aims to analyze the effective smart and digital factors of the fourth industrial revolution with a strategic management approach in developing a technology roadmap for power equipment manufacturing and energy supply industries.This research aims to analyze the effective factors of the fourth industrial revolution on the development of a technology roadmap for power plant equipment manufacturing and energy supply industries.In this regard, first by using the literature and interviews with a number of relevant experts in the power plant equipment manufacturing and energy supply industries, several factors were extracted, and then the factors were finalized using the fuzzy Delphi method and ranked using the TOPSIS technique. The results show that the criterion of intelligent design and production has the highest rank, and the component of defining and balancing the research and development portfolio has the first rank, the technology evaluation component has the second rank, and the market changes evaluation component has the third rank.
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- Alekseev, Alexander & Buraeva, Elena & Kletskova, Elena & Rykhtikova, Natalia. (2019). Stages of Formation of Industry 4.0 and the Key Indicators of Its Development. 10.1007/978-3-319-94310-7_9.
- Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Tatiana I. Gulyaeva, Elena I. Semenova & Svetlana V. Lobova. (2019). Transformation Changes in the System of Professional Competences of a Modern Specialists in the Conditions of Knowledge Economy’s Formation and the Innovational Approach to Training. In: Popkova, E., Ragulina, Y., Bogoviz, A. (eds) Industry 4.0: Industrial Revolution of the 21st Century. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 169. Springer, Cham.
- Alexander, Rachel .(2021), The Fourth Industrial Revolution in South African Manufacturing and Connectivity: Case Studies of Automotive and Mining Equipment Manufacturing, along with Transportation and ICT Infrastructure and Services, SARChI Industrial Development Working Paper Series, September, 1-86.
- Alipour Sarvari, P., Ustundag, A., Cevikcan, E., Kaya, I and Selcuk, C. (2018). Technology Roadmap for Industry 4.0, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Management, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. https: //doi. org/10. 1007/978-3-319-57870-5_5. (in Persian).
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- Ashraf Khoramani, A. & Khamseh, A. (2018). Evaluating the technological capability of the wind turbine industry by using Panda and Ramanathan models. Journal of industrial technology development, 17(37), 29-36. SID. (In Persian).
- Barış Bayram & Gökhan İnce. (2018). Advances in Robotics in the Era of Industry 4.0 , © Springer International Publishing Switzerland A. Ustundag and E. Cevikcan, Industry 4.0: Managing The Digital Transformation, Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing,
- Chatterjee, Sutirtha and Moody, Gregory Daniel and Lowry, Paul Benjamin and Chakraborty, Suranjan and Hardin, Andrew, (2020). Information technology and organizational innovation: Harmonious information technology affordance and courage-based actualization (March 1, 2020). Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS), vol. 29(1), March, Article 101596, pp. 1–23, Available at SSRN:
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- Dehghan Nayeri, M., Azar, A., & Javid Milani, S. (2019). Technology Road Mapping (TRM) based on Strategic Option Development and Analysis: Mazare Novin Iranian Company. Journal of Improvement Management, 13(3), 1-22. (In Persian).
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- Fartash, Kiaresh, & Mohseni Kiasri, Mustafa. (2019). Ranking the implementation measures of the technology roadmap with an emphasis on resources and technology acquisition: (a case study of two global roadmaps of electric vehicles and electric hybrids and smart networks). Innovation management and operational strategies, 1(4), 320-346. doi: 10.22105/imos.2020.262855.1019. (In Persian).
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- Khamsa, Abbas. Asari, Mohammad Hossein, (2018). Research and development management, an integrated approach to concepts, structure and organization, capabilities and management of research and development projects, Sarafraz Publishing House, Karaj, first edition, 501 pages, Dewey classification, 658/57.
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- Khamsa, Abbas. Asari, Mohammad Hossein, (2018). Research and development management, an integrated approach to concepts, structure and organization, capabilities and management of research and development projects, Sarafraz Publishing House, Karaj, first edition, 501 pages, Dewey classification, 658/57.
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- Krishnamurthi, R., & Kumar, A. (2020). Modeling and Simulation for Industry 4.0. A Roadmap to Industry 4.0: Smart Production, Sharp Business and Sustainable Development, 127-141.
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- Mohebi, azadeh, & heydari, amir. (2016). information technology roadmapping: an approach for aligning it strategies with business strategies. Iranian journal of information management, 1(1-2), 15-37. Sid.
- Namani seyghalan, A., Khamseh, A., & torabi, T. (2020). R&D Strategy Model in Power Plant Equipment's Manufacturing Industries in Order to Achieve Business Objectives. Strategic Management Researches, 26(76), 81-102. Nilipour Tabatabai, S. A., Tausi, Sh., Rafieipour Alavi, S D. (2019). Technology Foresight and Technology Forecasting, Differences and Similarities, 8th International Research Conference on Management, Economy and Development, Page 1-20, Scientific ID ICMET08-028. (In Persian)
- Nilipour Tabatabai, S. A., Tausi, Sh., Rafieipour Alavi, S D. (2019). Technology Foresight and Technology Forecasting, Differences and Similarities, 8th International Research Conference on Management, Economy and Development, Page 1-20, Scientific ID ICMET08-028. (In Persian)
- Okhravi, A.H., Shakiba Menesh, A.R. (2018). Presenting a model for developing a roadmap for the technologies of an advanced system, Technology Development Management Quarterly, 7(1), 91-118. (In Persian)
- Park, H., Phaal, R., Ho, J., & O’Sullivan, E. (2020). Twenty years of technology and strategic roadmapping research: A school of thought perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 154, 119965.
- Peyvasteh Feridooni, M., Sohrabi, T., & Shadnoush, N. (2021). Examining the Impact of Dynamic Capabilities in Technology Assessment on level of Assessed Technology in Small and Medium Enterprises. - Case study-Iranian supply chain in Automotive Industry. Journal of Business Management, 13(50), 339-362. (In Persian)
- Piskarev, A. & Zarikovskaya, N. (2020). Intelligent system of planning support and project management, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1488/1/012029, Pages1-8.
- Pourbahman, F., Askarifar, K., & Ronaghi, M. H. (2021). Identification and prioritizing smart retailing technologies based on technology characteristics and organizational capabilities (A case of Refah chain-stores). Journal of Technology Development Management, 9(1), 135-164. doi: 10.22104/jtdm.2021.4581.2681
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