Evaluation of Effective Factors on Merit Selection in Government Organizations
Subject Areas : Organizations
Hashem Shahriari
Alireza Rousta
Mohamadreza Kashefi Neyshabori
Farzad Asayesh
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Keywords: Organization Performance, Knowledge management, Job Rotation, Senior Management Support, Employee Merit Selection,
Abstract :
Choosing the right people is one of the main factors in the success and excellence of organizations. This issue is more important in government organizations and the failure to retain competent employees causes irreparable damage to the organization and ultimately to the country. This issue is more important in government organizations and the failure to retain competent employees causes irreparable damage to the organization and ultimately to the country. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effective factors on merit selection in government organizations. The research method is descriptive and correlational based on the applied goal and according to the method of data collection. The statistical population of the research includes the employees of the judicial branch of Tehran province in 2023. Using Cochran's formula, 384 people were selected as a sample and 415 questionnaires were distributed and 398 questionnaires were collected. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was 0/824. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and Smart-PLS software. The findings indicate that the innovation capability of knowledge management, the support of senior management and job rotation have had an effect on the performance of the organization. Finally, the performance of the organization has a significant effect on the merit selection of employees.
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Evaluation of Effective Factors on Merit Selection in Government Organizations
Choosing the right people is one of the main factors in the success and excellence of organizations. This issue is more important in government organizations and the failure to retain competent employees causes irreparable damage to the organization and ultimately to the country. This issue is more important in government organizations and the failure to retain competent employees causes irreparable damage to the organization and ultimately to the country. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effective factors on merit selection in government organizations. The research method is descriptive and correlational based on the applied goal and according to the method of data collection. The statistical population of the research includes the employees of the judicial branch of Tehran province in 2023. Using Cochran's formula, 384 people were selected as a sample and 415 questionnaires were distributed and 398 questionnaires were collected. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was 0/824. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and Smart-PLS software. The findings indicate that the innovation capability of knowledge management, the support of senior management and job rotation have had an effect on the performance of the organization. Finally, the performance of the organization has a significant effect on the merit selection of employees.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Senior Management Support, Job Rotation, Organization Performance, Employee Merit Selection.
Human resource management is the strategic and sustainable management of the most valuable assets of the company, including employees who help the company to achieve its goals (Mehri et al., 2023). Human resource strategies focus on special goals of an organization, on what should be done, and the change should be made (Sabet & Razeghi, 2019). The idea of Human resources management is all about the planning, organizing, training and managing the assets of any organization. In human resources management, the key assets are human itself (Ranjbar, 2023). One of the most effective ways to achieve a competitive advantage in the current situation is to make the employees of organizations more efficient and manage their affairs. Because human resources are the most valuable factor of production and the most important capital and the main source of competitive advantage and the creator of the basic capabilities of any organization (Tirabadi et al., 2023).
In an organization, the main goal is to hire the right employee in the right position. One of the most important developments in human resource management over the past years has been focusing on the effective management of people who are more important for the strategic success of organizations, both domestic and international (Sikawa, 2020). The importance of the role of human resources in organizations is undeniable. Human resources are the most effective tools for achieving predetermined goals, and not paying attention to providing the right environment and improvement tools for their sustainability can cause many problems for organizations. In a world whose effects and challenges have been faced with the movement towards globalization and the economy, the attention to the issue of the impact of the sustainability of human resources on the performance of the organization has increased. Human resources are a treasure of potential forces of the organization that can be strategically developed and move to achieve excellence. The survival and success of the organization increasingly depends on the sustainability and releasing the full potential of human resources, so one of the challenges facing the organizations is to adopt measures and mechanisms to increase the satisfaction and commitment and ultimately the stability of the employees (Ahakwa et al., 2021). With increasing competition and expansion of human resource development methods, organizations always try to retain their talented employees and empower them so that they can show high performance; But they are also worried about losing their human capital and suffering as a result, because every organization spends a lot of money on training and preparing its employees to the level of optimal efficiency and productivity and with the loss of valuable forces, they suffer from the loss of skills and experiences that have been gained over years of effort (Lezgi et al., 2020). If organizations have the best technology and benefit from the best facilities, but do not have expert and efficient human resources, they will not be able to influence their environment and be successful in the field of competition (Shirbagi et al., 2021).
Merit selection or in a more colloquial way, the selection of worthy people, is indicative of a social position that is achieved by the capabilities and scientific excellence of the individual and not based on ancestry or eyesight. The implementation of correct strategies for the application of merit selection leads to the improvement of efficiency and effectiveness because the knowledge and skills of the individual are considered in the selections (Sobuwa & McKenna, 2019). The selection of worthy people in Islam is so important that negligence and shortness in this regard are considered one of the biggest betrayals. It is stated in the Holy Qur'an: "Indeed, Allah, the Most Merciful, is the one who bestows the blessings upon the people" (An-Nasa'i: 58); "Indeed, God orders you to leave the trust to his family." In this blessed verse, the ability of a person to entrust responsibilities and trusts is emphasized, which can be said. Also, in verse 105 of Surah Al-Anbya, God has emphasized that ruling and ruling on earth is for righteous and worthy servants.
Innovation capability as an organizational capability is considered one of the most important internal resources of companies in order to create superior performance. Innovation capability includes product and process innovation capability that leads to the development of new products and processes or obvious changes in them (Zhang & Hartley, 2018). Knowledge management is a costly activity for the organization. Knowledge management should not be created unless it leads to a competitive advantage for the organization (Nemati et al., 2019). In fact, knowledge sharing may help companies overcome the subsequent challenges of facing global competition (Wahyono, 2020). Top management support is an important core value used to demonstrate commitment and foster employee engagement. Managers must understand the culture and values of the company and maintain the beneficial aspects of the culture and promote technological proficiency through an organizational learning process (Miao et al., 2019). Senior management is the most important group of people in determining the strategy and orientation of the organization and in predicting organizational performance, In particular, the influence of top management is one of the factors that should be considered in making a decision or achieving a production/operation field, which is one of the important tasks of an economic enterprise (Lee & Joo, 2020). Job rotation can reduce fatigue and increase the motivation of employees through various activities and also increase the survival of organizations; because employees will be familiar with a wide range of skills and will have flexibility in managing work (Bakotić, 2016). In fact, the juxtaposition of a market learning system and joint innovative capacities as a strategic principle for the flourishing of the organization's performance capabilities is helpful in increasing decision-making power and obtaining information and it causes the reconstruction and revision of business models in order to gain more value and competitive advantage. Also, the lack of attention of the organizations to this issue causes them to gradually leave the field of competition while not identifying the real needs of the competitive market (Choi et al., 2019). What is important for organizations today is the maintenance and dynamics of the brain of the organization. The brains of the organization are the smart, qualified and experienced people. Therefore, organizations must strive to keep the human brain dynamic, and this is not possible unless they find, cultivate and retain human resources. This will be implemented in the form of a meritocratic system, a system that helps organizations achieve their goals. Therefore, in this research, we are trying to answer this question, how is the evaluation of the effective factors on merit selection in government organizations?
Literature Review
The business environment is changing rapidly and this makes organizations face important challenges in competition. In such a situation, in order to face new changes, organizations must think beyond adapting to the environment and seek to take advantage of potential opportunities. In the current competitive conditions, human resources have become a critical success factor for organizations; therefore, organizations should always seek to attract competent human resources and properly manage their abilities in the field of realizing their strategies (Khayer Zahed et al., 2021).
- Innovation Capability
Innovation capability as an organizational capability is considered one of the most important internal resources of companies in order to create superior performance. Innovation capability includes product and process innovation capability that leads to the development of new products and processes or obvious changes in them (Zhang & Hartley, 2018). The ability to innovate is that 1) the capacity to develop new products that meet market needs; 2) the capacity to use appropriate technologies and processes to produce these new products; 3) The capacity to develop and accept new products and processing technology to meet future needs; 4) The capacity to respond to accidental technological activities and unexpected opportunities created by competitors (Rajapathirana & Hui, 2018).
- Knowledge Management
Knowledge management is an integrated process that is related to the dissemination and application of knowledge in order to achieve company goals (Wahyono, 2020). Also, the process of converting data and information into knowledge is useful. This process includes creating, acquiring, organizing, sharing and applying knowledge (Yang et al., 2009). According to Serrat (2009), point of view, knowledge management is a clear and regular process of empowering the management of individual resources and collective knowledge, which is used for the benefit of the organization to identify, create, store and share. Company competition depends on their ability to combine internal knowledge created through physical and human capital and their ability to attract relevant and unrelated knowledge from other companies (Caiazza et al., 2014). Meihami & Meihami (2014), They said that knowledge management was able to improve the organization. Organizational knowledge becomes a key resource to guide the development of capabilities to create value for products (Paiva et al., 2008). Knowledge is a competitive advantage that is difficult to copy and imitate (Nemati et al., 2019).
- Senior Management Support
Senior management support is defined as the degree to which senior management support understands the importance of blockchain and participates in its adoption (Ooi et al., 2018). Support from senior managers is an important core value used to demonstrate commitment and foster employee engagement. Managers must understand the culture and values of the company and maintain the beneficial aspects of the culture and promote technological proficiency through an organizational learning process (Miao et al., 2019). Senior management's commitment and active participation play a key role in the successful implementation of any technology
(Dubey et al., 2018).
- Job Rotation
Job rotation is a widespread method used by many organizations to create more committed employees to work at different levels of the organization's hierarchy. This strategy is recognized as a driving factor for employee growth (Fernando & Dissanayake, 2019). Job rotation is used as a tool to increase efficiency (Akbari & Maniei, 2017). It is also used as an organizational approach by manufacturing industries with the aim of reducing exposure to high physical work and monotony (Moussavi et al., 2019). Job rotation can increase the performance and independence of employees and improve organizational flexibility by putting employees in front of various tasks (Oparanma & Nwaeke, 2015).
- Organization `s Performance
A government organization refers to an organization that takes steps on behalf of the central government to implement government activities and in line with its assigned missions (Laali et al., 2023). The performance of an organization is a set of activities and factors that, in addition to being in the internal environment, interact with the surrounding environment (Salami et al., 2021). The performance of an organization is a set of activities and factors that, in addition to being in the internal environment, interact with the surrounding environment (Huang & Huang, 2020). Optimal performance is achieved when the actual result is exactly the same as the expected result (Rastgar et al., 2020). In the current situation, businesses have found that gaining a competitive advantage and developing the organization's performance based on intellectual capital and success largely depends on their ability to manage this valuable asset (Azizi et al., 2021).
- Merit Selection of Employees
Merit selection or in a more colloquial way, the selection of worthy people, is indicative of a social position that is achieved by the capabilities and scientific excellence of the individual and not based on ancestry or eyesight. The implementation of correct strategies for the application of merit selection leads to the improvement of efficiency and effectiveness because the knowledge and skills of the individual are considered in the selections (Sobuwa & McKenna, 2019). The more competent the organization can attract and maintain and use it more effectively, the more successful it will be in achieving its goals and ahead of its competitors. The competition of organizations is not limited to gaining profit and market share, but all these things are the result of a more important factor, which is competent human resources, and this is a point that organizations have realized and compete in attracting these forces and try to Keep them and prevent them from leaving the service (Shafie Feda, 2021). Azimi & Hosseinpoor (2023), In a research, they discussed the impact of market orientation on organizational performance with the mediating role of learning orientation (case study: Pegah, Telecom and Pars Switch companies). The results of the research indicate that market orientation has an effect on organizational performance with the mediating role of learning orientation. Therefore, market-oriented organizations can improve their organizational performance in the competitive market through organizational learning and increasing the level of knowledge and awareness and skills of employees. Pahlevani Qomi & Behzadnia (2023), In a research, they investigated the impact of business analysis capability on organizational performance through information quality and innovation capability during the outbreak of Covid-19. The results of the research showed that business analysis ability has an impact on information quality, innovation ability and organizational agility. The ability to innovate affects the agility of the organization. The agility of the organization affects the organizational performance. In a research, Safari & Zamahani (2022), designed a merit selection model for Farhangian University students. The results showed that competencies include individual competencies and social competencies. Individual competencies included four interpersonal dimensions of professional, ethical, and personality values, and social competencies were determined by four dimensions of social knowledge, social motivation, social perception, and social inference. Ghobadi et al., (2019), in a research presented a cognitive framework for institutionalizing the merit selection of managers. The results showed that the factors affecting the merit selection of Bank Melli managers are knowledge, skills, individual and perceptual factors and organizational factors; according to the components of the research, a model was presented that had a good fit; The prioritization of the effective factors on the merit selection of National Bank managers showed that managers' knowledge, individual and perceptual (personality) factors, organizational factors and skills of National Bank managers were assigned the first to fourth priority. In a research, Khalili Julerstani & Rezaei (2017), identified criteria for the selection of managers from the perspective of Islam, emphasizing the verses of the Holy Quran. The results showed that in addition to the functions of human resources management, merit selection has an appearance, especially in issues such as the selection and appointment of employees in managerial jobs, in the selection and appointment processes and even the retention of managers
Wang et al. (2022), in a research, addressed the ability of business intelligence to increase organizational performance and performance evaluation capabilities by improving data mining systems for competitive advantage. The results of the research indicate that innovation has a significant impact on the company's performance by creating an improved position in the market, which indicates a competitive advantage and superior performance. Erdoğan and Savas (2022), in a research, investigated the selection process for initial English teacher training: Turkey. The results showed that in the selection of teachers, qualifications based on GPA, essays, experiences, interest, characteristics, skills, recommendation letters, interviews and tests should be considered. Singh and Misra (2021), in a research on the link between corporate social responsibility and organizational performance: the moderating effect of corporate reputation. The research results showed that corporate social responsibility, when applied to external stakeholders, affects organizational performance. Palacios-Marqués et al. (2019), in a research on a recipe for success: crowdsourcing, online social networks and their impact on organizational performance. The research results indicate that online social networks play an important role in companies with a positive effect on the performance of organizations. Klassen & Kim (2019), conducted a research on the selection of forward-looking teachers. The results showed that in the selection of teachers non-academic competencies (beliefs, motivations, personality traits and tendencies) which are sometimes referred to as (non-cognitive) competencies and academic merits (academic performance, academic aptitude and academic characteristics) should be considered.
Figure 1. Conceptual model of the research
Research methodology
The current research is based on the practical purpose and according to the descriptive type of correlation, based on the model, the method of structural equation modeling should be used. The statistical population of the research includes the employees of the judicial branch of Tehran province in 2023. Using Cochran's formula, 384 people were selected as a sample and 415 questionnaires were distributed and 403 questionnaires were collected. The data collection method of this research was done in a library method and using books and articles, and a questionnaire was also used in the field method.
It has also been analyzed using spss and smart pls3 software. In order to collect and measure data, a 28-item questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale was used as follows:
In the innovation capability part of the questionnaire (Wang et al., 2020) with 5 items; In the knowledge management section of the questionnaire (Lam et al., 2021) with 4 items; In the senior management support section of the questionnaire (Wong et al., 2020) with 4 items; In the job rotation section of the questionnaire (Ho et al., 2009) with 6 items; In the organization's performance part of the questionnaire (Thakur and Hale, 2013) with 5 items; Finally, 4 items have been used in the merit selection of employees. Also, its validity has been confirmed by professors and experts and its reliability by Cronbach's alpha coefficient.
Research findings
Demographic characteristics are the general characteristics of each person such as education, age, gender, work experience, role model, educational system and social position in their society. The demographic characteristics of the sample are reported in Table 1.
Table 1- Demographic characteristics of sample people | |||
Variable | Abundance | percentage of abundance | |
Gender | Man
| 264 | 66/34% |
Female | 134 | 33/66% | |
| Less than 25 years | 66 | 16/58% |
Between 25 and 35 years | 84 | 21/10% | |
Between 35 and 45 years | 141 | 35/43% | |
More than 45 years | 107 | 26/89% | |
| Associate Degree | 86 | 21/60% |
Bachelor | 149 | 37/44% | |
Masters | 134 | 33/67% | |
Ph.D. | 29 | 7/29% |
Source: Research findings, 2023
Model fit is a way to measure the compatibility of a theoretical model with an experimental model. In the structural equation modeling method, to ensure the correctness and accuracy of the findings, the fit of the model is checked before running the model to test the hypotheses. Also, Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, average variance extracted (AVE), and coefficient of determination were used to measure the model, which are reported in table two.
Table 2- The fit criteria of the research model | |||||
Variable | Average explained variance | Composite reliability | Cronbach's alpha | coefficient of determination (R2) | Predictive Power Factor (Q2)
Innovation Capability | 0/627 | 0/788 | 0/761 | --- | --- |
Knowledge Management | 0/746 | 0/864 | 0/834 | --- | --- |
Senior Management Support | 0/729 | 0/827 | 0/809 | --- | --- |
Job Rotation | 0/597 | 0/754 | 0/727 | --- | --- |
Organization's Performance | 0/761 | 0/903 | 0/891 | 0/747 | 0/516 |
Employee Merit Selection | 0/807 | 0/942 | 0/923 | 0/803 | 0/584 |
Source: Research Findings, 2023
According to Table 2, the average extracted variance of the research structures indicates the degree of correlation of a structure with its indicators, if this correlation is higher, the fit will be higher (Ahmadi & Rousta, 2021). The average values of the extracted variance of all 6 model structures are in the optimum range. When the value of Cronbach's alpha and the combined reliability of all variables is greater than the criterion value of 0/7%, it means that the reliability of all variables and the reliability of the questionnaire have been confirmed (Ahmadi & Rousta, 2019). The amount of Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability for all the model structures is (more than 0.7), so the questionnaire has a good and acceptable reliability. The value of R2 for the endogenous constructs of the research confirms the appropriateness of the fit of the structural model. The results of the Q2 criterion for the endogenous structure indicate the appropriate predictive power of the model regarding the endogenous constructs of the research and indicate that the fitting model has appropriate and favorable predictive power. In the following, we will examine the factor loadings of the research variables.
Confirmatory factor analysis is a method that shows how many items to measure a construct are correctly selected. In fact, in this way, it is determined whether the questions chosen in a questionnaire to measure each factor are desirable or not. Therefore, it is used to measure the reliability and validity of the measurement scale. In confirmatory factor analysis, certain hypotheses about the mutual correlation between variables and the structure of factor loadings are tested. In confirmatory factor analysis, the closer the factor loading is to one, it indicates that the questionnaire questions have a stronger relationship with the underlying variables and if the value of the standard factor is zero, it means that there is no relationship between the questionnaire question and the latent variable. The final results of the confirmatory factor analysis are reported in Table 3. Factor loadings greater than 0/5 have good validity.
Table 3- Confirmatory factor analysis of questionnaire items | |||
Question | Factor Load | Question | Factor Load |
Question 1 | 0/893 | Question 15 | 0/501 |
Question 2 | 0/540 | Question 16 | 0/897 |
Question 3 | 0/836 | Question 17 | 0/893 |
Question 4 | 0/754 | Question 18 | 0/420 |
Question 5 | /0527 | Question 19 | 0/579 |
Question 6 | /0911 | Question 20 | 0/676 |
Question 7 | 0/948 | Question 21 | 0/740 |
Question 8 | 0/896 | Question 22 | 0/860 |
Question 9 | 0/568 | Question 23 | 0/925 |
Question 10 | 0/611 | Question 24 | 0/895 |
Question 11 | 0/881 | Question 25 | 0/542 |
Question 12 | 0/947 | Question 26 | 0/699 |
Question 13 | 0/937 | Question 27 | 0/908 |
Question 14 | 0/600 | Question 28 | 0/820 |
Source: Research findings, 2023
In graphs 1 and 2, factor loading values and significant coefficients for the questions of each variable are highlighted. Diagram 1 shows the confirmatory factor analysis (factor loading) for the entire model. In confirmatory factor analysis, the minimum value of acceptable factor loadings is 0.3, the average significance level is 0.4, and the values above 0.5 indicate a high correlation level and strong significance between the factor and observed variables. Diagram 2 shows the analysis of significant coefficients (T values) for the whole model. Considering that all the numbers on the paths are higher than 1.96, it indicates the significance of the paths, the appropriateness of the structural model and the confirmation of all research hypotheses.
Chart 1- Confirmatory factor analysis (factor loading) for the whole model, source: research findings, 2023
Chart 2- Analysis of significant coefficients (T values) for the entire model, source: research findings, 2023
The GOF criterion was used for the overall fit of the model. With this criterion, the researcher can control the fit of the overall part after checking the fit of the measurement part and the structural part of the overall research model. The GOF criterion can be obtained by calculating the geometric mean of the subscription value and R2.
GOF= √average (Communality) × average (R2) = 0/652
Since the three values of 0/01, 0/25 and 0/36 are defined as weak, medium and strong values for GOF and on the other hand, the coefficient is in the optimal state (0/652), so the results show that is that the fit of the model in the statistical population of the research is suitable.
The effect of knowledge management on the performance of the organization.
Table 4- Results of statistical tests of research hypotheses | |||
Theories | Path coefficient | t statistic | The result of the hypothesis test |
The impact of innovation capability on organization performance | 0/560 | 22/757 | proving a theory |
The effect of knowledge management on the performance of the organization | 0/765 | 28/750 | proving a theory |
The effect of senior management support on organization performance | 0/706 | 27/688 | proving a theory |
The effect of job turnover on the performance of the organization | 0/538 | 21/771 | proving a theory |
The effect of the organization's performance on the merit selection of employees | 0/910 | 32/148 | proving a theory |
Source: Research findings, 2023
Statistical tests are methods based on the science of statistics that are widely used to conduct scientific research in management and social sciences. Table 4 shows the test results of the research hypotheses. Based on this, the t test for all hypotheses is greater than 1/96. Therefore, with 95% confidence, the relationship between the variables is significant.
Discussion and Conclusion
The present research aims to evaluate the factors affecting merit selection in government organizations. If the organization cannot provide a favorable environment for competent human resources, their escape will be obvious and predictable. In this context, human resource management measures play a significant role in the growth and fertilization of the organization's talents in order to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Since competent human resources that have the necessary knowledge, ability and skills are considered the most essential competitive resources of organizations (Karimi et al., 2019(. In general, employees who show commitment to their organization often relate to their organization, and feel that their performance is suitable for working there and understanding the organization's goals (Kasimoglu, 2021). The job performance of employees is the main factor of organizational productivity (Darvish motevali & Ali, 2020). The implementation of correct strategies for the application of merit selection leads to the promotion of efficiency and effectiveness (Sobuwa & McKenna, 2019).
In this research, 5 hypotheses were tested, and the results of the hypothesis analysis indicate that innovation capability, knowledge management, senior management support, and job rotation had an effect on the performance of the organization. Finally, the performance of the organization has a significant effect on the merit selection of employees. Every scientific research in the field of management sciences, apart from its mission, needs to provide suggestions and management solutions to be a guide and a light for the studied society and other interested people who are likely to step on this path in the future.
Therefore, based on the results obtained from hypothesis 1 (innovation ability has an effect on the organization's performance), it was confirmed because its t-statistic was equal to 22/757. Therefore, it is suggested that if the innovation ability of employees in government organizations is improved, the performance of the organization will also increase. Therefore, since the ability to innovate affects the organization's performance, special attention should be paid to indicators such as the use of innovative techniques, regular improvement in operations, adoption of innovative and technical solutions, use of standard and simple operations, and protection against risks.
Also, based on the results obtained from hypothesis 2 (knowledge management has an effect on the organization's performance), it was confirmed because its t-statistic was equal to 28/750. Therefore, it is suggested that knowledge management will reduce the problems of organizations to compete in the global arena, which will be able to improve the organization and increase the market share and pay attention to factors such as: new knowledge, operational systems, standard reward system, and integration processes of different knowledge sources.
According to the results obtained from hypothesis 3 (senior management support has an effect on the organization's performance), it was confirmed because its t-statistic was equal to 27/688. Therefore, it is suggested, therefore, since the support of the senior management has an effect on the technology of the organization's performance, they should pay special attention to indicators such as attention and active response, confirmation of access to resources, willingness to accept risks, and motivating employees.
Also, based on the results obtained from hypothesis 4 (job turnover has an effect on the organization's performance), it was confirmed because its t-statistic was equal to 21/771. Therefore, it is suggested to develop employees by using job rotation, which will lead to increasing efficiency and raising the performance of the organization, which helps to acquire new skills and knowledge without additional costs and pay attention to factors such as: teaching, expanding, being accepted, being satisfied, being excellent, and loving.
Based on the results obtained from hypothesis 5 (the performance of the organization has an effect on the merit selection of employees), it was confirmed because its t-statistic was equal to 32/148. Therefore, it is suggested that organizations should pay attention to the capabilities of human resources by improving their competitive advantage and achieve better knowledge management by increasing the skills of employees and customers and service network partners have more participation, which can provide an effective way to create a sustainable competitive advantage for an organization and pay attention to factors such as: increasing the loyalty of current customers, understanding the company, profitability of other products, and attracting new customers.
It is suggested to investigate the role of the factors and obstacles in the merit selection of employees in the future research. Also, in future research, moderating variables such as age, level of education, customer income and geographical region should be measured. Finally, the effect of gender on the relationship of variables should be investigated and this research should be evaluated in other big cities. Also, this research should be done using other research methods so that the results can be generalized more confidently.
Research limitations include the following:
· The problem of coordinating with the officials of the judiciary to cooperate in the current research.
· The problem of coordinating with the employees of the judiciary to distribute the questionnaire.
· The spread of the Covid-19 virus and, following it, the feeling of fear, worry, disappointment and depression of the employees.
· lack of access to sufficient databases.
· limited research time.
· The research results can only be generalized to the mentioned organization.
· This research was done cross-sectionally.
Holy Quran
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