Application of shrimp skin waste in green synthesis of polymer nanocomposite containing iron oxide nanoparticles to remove chemical toxins from water sources
Subject Areas : Nanotechnology and Nano-biotechnology in Food and Agriculture IndustriesRoya Behrooz 1 , Dadkhoda Ghazanfari 2 , nahid Rastakhiz 3 , Enayatollah Sheikhhosseini 4 , Sayed Ali Ahmadi 5
1 - PhD Student, Department of Chemistry, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
5 - Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Chitosan, Waste, Shrimp skin, Iron Oxide, pistachio skin,
Abstract :
The increase in the production of food waste and their entry into the environment through urban waste has created many problems for biological resources. Therefore, it is very important to present new methods in the elimination and optimal use of food waste. Preparation of polymer nanocomposites from food waste is one of the methods of optimal use of these materials. In this research work, chitosan polymer nanocomposite containing iron oxide nanoparticles was prepared using shrimp skin waste and pistachio green skin extract. Also, the effectiveness of this composite as a filter in removing malathion poison from water sources was investigated in different conditions of poison concentration, amount of adsorbent and pH. The results of examining the morphology and surface characteristics of the prepared nanocomposite using electron microscope images show that the average diameter of nanofibers in this structure is about 40 nm. Also, the presence of iron oxide nanometer particles with an average size of 47 nm can be seen in the structure. Also, the results of absorption test by nano adsorbent showed that the maximum amount of absorption of malathion poison is 90% at pH=7 and with 0.7 grams of adsorbent.
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