Investigating the Effects of Brainstorming Technique on Iranian EFL Learners' Listening and Teachers' Attitudes towards This Technique
Subject Areas : Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English
Ali Hamideh
Mustafa Zamanian
1 - Department of English, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Department of English, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Language Teaching, spoken skills, interactive techniques, brainstorming, Authentic Language Learning,
Abstract :
This research study utilized a mixed-methods approach, specifically a concurrent triangulation design, to examine the enhancement of listening proficiency among Iranian EFL learners and investigate EFL teachers' attitudes toward applying brainstorming techniques in EFL classrooms. The study involved 63 undergraduate male students studying at Naval Science and Technology University in Rasht, Iran, and 20 EFL teachers. The students were homogenized based on their English proficiency level and divided into experimental and control groups. All participants took a listening pretest, and then during 20 treatment sessions, the experimental group received brainstorming-based treatment while the control group received conventional treatment. A posttest was administered to all participants in both groups. The researchers conducted paired sample t-tests and one-way ANCOVA to examine the potential impacts of brainstorming techniques on the listening skills of EFL students. The results suggested that implementing brainstorming techniques in language learning processes can create a conducive environment for language learners to express their thoughts freely and practice the language authentically in the classroom. The research findings indicated that applying brainstorming techniques significantly enriched the listening ability of the students who received brainstorming-based treatment. The qualitative dimension of the study revealed that, according to the teachers' judgments, the brainstorming technique improves students' listening skills proficiency and develops teachers' attitudes toward teaching English. Based on the findings, the researchers recommend that English instructors utilize brainstorming techniques in their EFL classes. Additionally, the material designers are encouraged to design English language textbooks' contents based on brainstorming techniques.
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