Curriculum design to improve student self-efficacy in the higher education system
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
1 - Assistant profesor, Department of curriculum, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
Keywords: Curriculum development, self-efficiency, higher education,
Abstract :
This research aimed to Curriculum development of self-efficancy for higher education. we used a qualitative method based on content analysis of a comparative category system. In this research, we analyzed data based on three procedures of open coding, axial coding and selective coding. All available printed and un-printed material related to psychological resources constituted our general concepts by using open coding and then, the obtained concepts were classified. The results showed that the identified targets for self-efficiency included 5. Self-confidence, Daring, Individual management, Commitment to goals, Self-regulatory. The obtained content in curriculum of included 5 components: Paying attention to the content of cognitive distortion concepts, learn how to manage emotion, Self-esteem skills training, Teaching a set of reciprocal responses in stressful situations, Acquisition of the ability to objectively analyze existing information. The results also identified 4 components for teaching methods of self-efficiency: Role play, active method, stable documents, observational learning, Brainstorming, and modeling. For evaluation of self-efficiency, we obtained 7 components: Assessment of individual growth, self assessment, Evaluation of performance and reactions, Evaluation of individual judgment, Evaluation of intellectual strategies, Evaluation of appropriate performance metrics, acceptance of measurement by others. According to the obtained results and the importance of self-efficiency in educational, occupational, and social life, focusing on "self-efficiency" is necessary in order to promote and develop the psychological resources in higher education's learners
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