The effect of teaching by making use of tracking and pursuing continuity of learning of the 9th grade students on learning mathematics course
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
Seyedeh Narjes Daryabegy
Narges Yaftian
1 - Master of Mathematics Education & Math Teacher of Ninth District in Tehran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Department of Mathematics, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran.
Keywords: Mathematics Education, the pursuit of continuity of learning, the ninth grade, Tracking,
Abstract :
The main goal of the research is the study of effects of method of pursuing the continuity of learning the mathematics course of students in improvement the learning level of students by making use of tracking. The population of this research consists of students of the ninth grade of girls’ schools of Ninth District of Education Administration in Tehran. In this study, 114 students of ninth grade were selected by two different high schools, based on one-phase cluster sampling method. The tools of measurement consist of repeated tests at three-week intervals. After accomplishing of the first examination, the students were divided between two groups: the first level group and the second level group. The validity and reliability of the tests were approved by some specialists and experienced mathematics teachers, who were teaching in ninth grade. The reliability coefficient for examinations of Kuder-Richardson was acquired 91% that shows suitable position for reliability examination. The result of analyses in variance of repeated measurements by making use of SPSS20 software shows that the students who were taught by this method comparatively improved their learning. By pursuing students’ learning of mathematics, the basic problem of them in understanding mathematics subjects is concisely specified and the teacher can accord her/his own method of teaching to students’ learning needs. The findings of this research show that pursuing students’ learning of mathematics by using placement test method, increase their marks by improving their understanding of mathematics.
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