Investigating Progressive Citizenship Education Approach in
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
Abbas Gholtash
Hossein Fayazbakhsh
Parisa Farokhinejad
Sedigheh Mohammadjani
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Keywords: Social Studies Textbooks, middle school, Progressive Citizenship Education Approach, Citizenship education,
Abstract :
Progressive citizenship education approach is one of the approaches that emphasize on the preperation of oppartunities to achieve potentials for active participation in social life. The main purpose of this research was to study progressive citizenship education approach in social studies textbooks in middle school. In this research, the library and documents were used to study and clarify the progressive citizenship education approach. Also content analysis was used to analyze social studies curriculum in middle school. Statistical samples of content analysis are social studies textbooks taught in middle school.Data collection instruments included lists of content analysis of textbooks. The data were collected by preparing content lists following a thourpugh investigation of theoretical principles and related legal issues. The validity was confirmed by 10 experts. The analysis unit was the sentences of textbooks. Content analysis of the textbooks showed different levels of attention to citizenship rights in different grades in middle school: 20.04% in social studies in the first grade 22% in the second grade and 20.14% in the third grade