Relationship Between Psychosocial Needs and Job Performance in Iranian Automotive-Industries Employees: Examining the Moderating Role of Mood
Subject Areas : Educational
Marziyeh Posti
Hadi Farhadi
1 - Masters student of psychology, Department of Industrial and organizational. Isfahan(khorasgan)Branch, Islamic Azad University. Isfahan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor,Department of psychology. Isfahan(khorasgan)Branch, Islamic Azad University. Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: job performance, psychosocial needs, negative mood, automotive industry employees, positive mood,
Abstract :
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between psychosocial needs and job performance and the role of mood adjustment in employees of Tehran automotive industry. The research was quantitative and correlational. The study population included all shift workers of three car companies, which were 1290 people and 660 people were selected by systematic random method and after completing the questionnaires, 437 questionnaires were completed. Research of three questionnaires: Positive and Negative Emotion (Watson, Clark & Telgen, 1997), Psychosocial Factors of the Workplace in the comprehensive guide to workplace assessment in Iran (2011) and Job Performance (Herci & Goldsmith, 1980) was used. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results showed that psychosocial needs are related to job performance and there is a positive relationship between positive mood and job performance and a negative relationship between negative mood and job performance (p <0.001). Also, positive and negative mood in the relationship between psychological needs - Social and job performance have a moderating role (p = 0.00). As a result, while addressing psychosocial needs can lead to high job performance among employees, it is important to pay attention to emotional issues and create high positive mood and lack of negative mood to increase job performance.
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