The prediction of communicational skills based on personality traits and self-concept in female students
Subject Areas : Educational
Elham Rahmatzadeh
simindokht rezakhani
1 - counseling Department, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
2 - Department of Counseling, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
Keywords: Personality traits, self-concept, communication skills,
Abstract :
This study aimed to predict communicational skills based on personality characteristics and self-concept in female students. The research was correlational. The study population consisted of 1357 postgraduate female students in Islamic Azad University of Rouden during the second semester of 1396-97. A sample of 240 people was selected by multistage random sampling.The instrument used were Queendam's communicational skills test (2004), Neo personality inventory Short form (1992) and Beck self-concept test(1990). The results of Pearson correlation and hierarchical multivariate regression showed that self-concept predicts 21.4% of variance communicational skills (p < 0.01). Neuroticism had a negative and significant relationship (p <0.05, β= - 0.171) and extroversion (p < 0.01, β= 0.195), with a slight dissatisfaction with openness (p= 0.069, β=0.104) and being conscientiousness (p < 0.05, β= 0.164) had a positive and significant relationship with communicational skills. There was no significant relationship between agreeableness and communication skills. Also,the results showed that self-concept with personality characteristics can explain 33.5% of the variance of communication skills. so, it could be concluded that personality traits and self-concept are effective factors in prediction of students' communicational skills.
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