The Study of NarrativeTechniques in AhlemMosteghanemi’s Novel Zekrat al-Jasad (Memory in Flesh) :A Formalist Reading
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
saeid savari
reza nazemian
1 - Department of Arabic Literature, Allameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Arabic Literature, Allameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Discourse, Time, السرد, Narrative, الشکلانیة, Formalism, ذاکرة الجسد, أحلام مستغامی, الزمن, الخطاب, Zakera al-Jassad, AhlemMosteghanemi,
Abstract :
This article is an attempt to study the element of the time of the novel Zakera al-Jassadwritten by AhlemMosteghanemi based on the time of narrative and the time of narration, relying on linguistic functions. This research seeks to explain how the time sequence of the events of the novel changes in the direction of the circular line, as well as its relevance to the discourse representing contemporary history of Algeria and the parallelism of the discourse of narrative techniques with the sequence of events of the novel. The research concludes that despite the lack of order in the time sequence of events there is a correlation between narrative techniques and time arrangements of events; how the element of timehas regarded the discourse of the author of the novel. It has included current themes of the contemporary historyof Algeriawhich depictthe contemporary historyof Algeria, because AhlemMosteghanemi has clearly described the ideologies of contemporary history in Algeria. Thus the author of the novel, relying on thetechniques of stream of consciousness and linguistic functionshas changed time sequence of events in the direction of the circular line in order to transfer the feeling of the arrangement of the time sequence of events to reader. The author wants the reader to feel the time sequence of events and interpret them in the course of secret discourse within the element of time. The author also wants the reader to set the sequence of the events timeline within himself.
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