Designing a marketing model in the community based on customer experience in nature tourism in Mazandaran province
Subject Areas :
Mahboubeh Naderidoust
Golnar Shojaei Baghini
1 - PhD student in business management, Shahroud Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan,
2 - Assistant of Department of Business Management, Shahroud Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran
Keywords: طبیعت گردی, بازاریابی, Marketing, تجربه مشتری, nature tourism, customer experience,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to design a marketing model based on customer experience innature tourism in Mazandaran province. The statistical population of the research includestour operators, tourism experts and tourists who travel to different regions for nature tourismin Mazandaran province. The research is of applied type and has been evaluated qualitativelyand quantitatively. The components have been identified through research literature and theDelphi technique has been used to screen the components. The Delphi questionnaire has beenscreened by tourism experts in rounds. In the second step, we used the ISM (structuralinterpretive)technique to level the components and identify the influential components. Theresults of the research indicate that in the first step, according to the Delphi technique, in themodel based on customer experience, dimensions and components have been confirmedby experts. Three dimensions include factors related to customer experience, individualfactors and environmental factors. In the second step in the structural-interpretive technique,the components are placed in levels. According to the dependency-influence analysis, thecomponents of political factors and economic factors have been identified as the mostinfluential and key components in the marketing model based on customer experience innature tourism in Mazandaran province.