A Study on Parents and Friends’ Influence on Children’s Interest in Prayer (Ardebil Province)
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakIran Soleimani 1 , Mahrokh Allahyari 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Theology (Jurisprudence and Law), Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
2 - Collaborator of Ardabil General Directorate of Islamic Propaganda
Keywords: قرآن, والدین, دانشآموزان, Students, نماز, prayer, Parents, Quran, آموزههای دینی, religious teachings,
Abstract :
Prayer is the highest manifestation of need which has a wide relationship with various aspects of human life, its conditions and etiquette, regulate and reform the whole system and human relations. In today's world, where cultural unrest has severely endangered the health and safety of many societies, God's prayers, trust, and help can save people from falling into the mire of sin. The present study was conducted by analytical methods with random sampling among all primary, secondary and high school students in Ardabil province and relies on Holy Quran to provide effective and practical solutions to attract children to prayer. Among the various components, parents with 46.3% have the highest statistics in attracting children to prayer. Therefore, the role of parents by relying on Qur'an in providing ways to encourage children to pray and presenting in mosques to maintain and promote Islamic and national identity and protect the family and society is undeniable.
قرآن کریم.
نهج البلاغه.
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