Formalistic Analysis of Qamar Surah
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Asgar Babazadeh Aqdam
Javad Karkhaneh
Hossein Taktabar
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arabic Language, Islamic Science & Education University
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arabic Language, Islamic Science & Education University
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arabic Language, Qom University
Keywords: برجسته سازی, زبان ادبی, literary language, آشنایی زدایی, defamiliarization, انسجام لفظ و معنا, term and meaning cohesion, accentuate,
Abstract :
The present paper intends to analyze one of Meccan Surahs from formalistic criticism point of view to express that the Divine Words are full of concepts and meanings. The article which is done in descriptive – analytical method, comes to conclusion that the applied lexicons and contents in Quran are completely in interaction with each other and the applied terms have created new contents so that it can be claimed (bravely) this is the only technique to express the deep concepts of Quran and no other term or lexicon can be replaced; the results of this paper would open the new ways to express unlimited miracles of Divine words.
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