Problems Sunflower Growers Sonqor with Emphasis on Sunflower Harvesting Machine
Subject Areas : Sustainable Development
Masoomeh Amerian
Afsaneh Malekhosini
yasin mamarash
hadi mamsoltan deh shams
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Horticultural Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Former Ph. D student, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Razi University, Kermanshaeh, Iran.
3 - Former undergraduate student, Sonqor Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshaeh, Iran.
4 - Former undergraduate student, Plant Production and Genetics Department, Faculty of Science and Agriculture Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
Keywords: Descriptive - survey, Factor analysis, Production.,
Abstract :
Background and Objectives: Due to the important role of Sonqor in the production of high quality sunflower and also observed reduce the area under cultivation of this crop in recent years, the present study aimed to investigate the problems were sunflower growers Sonqor with an emphasis on sunflower harvesting machine. Materials and Methods: The research method used is descriptive - survey. The statistical society was all sunflower farmers Sonqor (N=300) that among them using Morgan table, 169 persons were selected using the random sampling as the statistical sample. Interview method and questionnaire instrument were used to collect data that Interview method was used to identify questionnaire items. So general approach was study qualitative-quantitative consecutive. For the questionnaire validity of the panel of experts was used and its reliability was evaluated by Cronbach's alpha that appropriate number 0.72 was obtained. To analyze the data was used of factor analysis. Findings: According to the results, 32.1% of sunflower growers were in the age range of 31-40 years and 75% of them had agricultural jobs. 31.2% had middle school education and 2.4% of sunflower growers were very satisfied with their jobs. About 90% of the sunflower growers had moderate to high satisfaction with the sunflower harvesting machine. Results of factorial analysis showed that sunflower growers Sonqor problems in six of the lack of government support, problem selling, planting and harvesting difficult, costly and manual harvesting, marketing problems, and difficulty processing were classified. Discussion and Conclusion: Among the factors, lack of government support has the most important role in explaining problems Sonqor sunflower growers. The basic problems of sunflower growers in this city are the lack of support for agricultural jihad and agricultural research centers, which can play a very important role in increasing the area of cultivation and reducing the harvest waste of this crop. It is important to observe the proportionality between the capacity and the cost of the harvesting machine for supply.
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