Enhancement of Visited Areas Management Based on Ecotourism Management Key Strategies
Subject Areas :
environmental management
Tahere Ardakani
Ali Reza Mikaeli
Abdolrassoul Salmanmahiny
Marjan Mohammadzadeh
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences & Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ardakan University, P.O. Box 184, Ardakan, Iran*(Corresponding Author)
2 - - Associate Professor of Department of Environmental Sciences, College of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sci. & Natural Resources, Golestan , Iran
3 - Professor of Department of Environmental Sciences, College of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sci. & Natural Resources, Golestan , Iran.
4 - Associate Professor of Department of Environmental Sciences, College of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sci. & Natural Resources, Golestan , Iran.
Received: 2017-02-08
Accepted : 2017-07-26
Published : 2021-07-23
Tourism Management Strategies,
Conservation and Sustainable Development,
Planning and Management,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Ecotourism is an important economic activity in natural areas of the world and will provide opportunities for visitors to experience the manifestation of nature and culture and this important happens in visited areas. Managers must be able to make balance between recreation needs and resulted impacts of ecotourism in those areas. This paper provides a set of guidelines to facilitate decisions regarding ecotourism management and development for ecotourism managers.Material and Methodlogy: This study is aiming at a mention of the importance of strategies implementation and necessity of correct using those by overview of the important management strategies of visited areas for achieving to sustainable development goal from past to now, for example UNWTO, Eurostate, The Nature Conservancy.Findings: Management strategies form a base of an ecotourism management plan (EMP). In this paper, ecotourism management key strategies were introduced in detail that included zoning for visitor uses, planning and design of visits site, sustainable infrastructure design, mechanisms for income generation, management and monitoring visitors and naturalist guides.Discussion and Conclusion: Conditions will provide for potential empowerment of areas for ecotourism as a force in order to protect environment and sustainable development by the result of implementing each of these management strategies in a visited area and these will be fruitful for managers of visited areas and as well as other agencies such as, tour operator and hotel developers.
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Anderson, D. L., 1993. A window to the natural world:The design of ecotourism In Ecotourism:A guide for planners and managers ,Volume1, K.Lindberg and B.Hawkins(eds.), 116-133.N.Bennington,Vermont:The Ecotourism Society.
Lindberg, K, M., Epler Wood., D.Engeldrum., 1998. Ecotourism :A guide for planners and managers ,Volume2.N.Bennington,Vermont:The Ecotourism Society.
Wallace, G., Visitor management: Lesson from Galpagos National Park in Ecotourism :Aguide for planners and managers,Volume 1,K..Lindberg and B.Hawkins (eds.),55-81.N.Bennington,Vermot:the Ecotourism Society.
Lindberg, K., D.Hawkins., Ecotourism :A guide for planners and managers,Volume1.N.Bennington,Vermont:the Ecotourism Society.
,1997.plan general de manejo y desarrollo del pargue Nacional EI Imposble.San Salvador,EI Salvador:PANAVIS-MAG.
Kelleher, G.,1999.Guidelines for marine protected area.Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series NO.3.IUCN,World Commission on Protected Area,Gland,Switzerland and Cambridge.UK.
S. National Park Service., 1992. Sustainable design :A Collaborative National Park Service initiative. Denver, Colorado: U.S. Deparment of the interior.
S. National Park Service., 1993. Guiding principles of sustainable design.Denever,Colorado:Department of the interior.
Baez, A., A, A, Acuna., 1998. Guia para las mejores practices de ecoturismo en las areas protegidas de Centro Guatemala: PROACA/CAPAS.
Ibrahim, H., K, A, Cordes., 1993.Outdoor recreation.Dubuque,low:WCB Brown and Benchmark.
The Ecotourism Society., 1993. Ecotourism guidelines for nature tour operators.N.Bennington.Vermont:The Ecotourism Society.
Mehta,H.,A.Baez,,p.oLaughlin.2002.International Ecolodge Guidelines.N.Burlington,Vermont:The Intrnational Ecotourism Society.
Hawkins,D., M, Epler Wood., S, Bittman.,1995.The ecolodge sourcebook for planners and developers.N.Bennington,Vermont:The Ecotourisn Society.
S.Department of Energy., 2002.center of Exellence for Sustainable Development WWW.sustainable.doe.gov
CeballosLascurain,H.,1996.tourism,ecoutorism.and protected area:the state of nature-based tourism around the world and guidelines for its dedlopment.the World Coservation Union (IUCN),Gland,Switzerland;The Ecotourism Society,N.Bennington,Vermont
Kenya Wildlife Service., 2001.Park entry fees.KWS.org/fees.htm
Laarman, J, G., H, M, Gregersen.,1996. pricing policity in nature –based Tourism Mmanagement,17(4):247-254.
Chamberlain K., 1997. Carrying capacity in: UNEP Industry and Environment, No. 8, January-June 1997. Paris: UNEP IE
Ortolano, L., 1984. Environmental Planning and Decision Making. New York: John Wiley and Sons
Pearce, D,C., 1989. Tourist Development. Essex: Longman Scientific and Technical Publishers
Fick, L., 2003. Draft guide line: Methodology for carrying cappacity assessment for the use of water for recreational purposes.Department of Water Affairs And Forestry.
Sourthern cross university protfolio Maring Group,1997.Coastal Tourism-A manual for sustainable development. Environment Austeralia.ISDN064227129.
Rome, A., 1999.Ecotourism impact monitoring. Unpublished document prepared for the Ecotourism program of the Nature Conservancy ,Arlington,Virginia.
Hornback,K., P,Eagles., 1999.Guidline for public use measurement and repoting at parks and protected areas.Gland,Switzerland and Cambridge.UK:IUCN.
Moore, A ., 1981.Tour guide as a factor in national park management .Parks Magazine,6(1).
Hom, S., 1992.Environmental interpretation: A practical guide for people with big ideas and small budgets.Golden,Colorado:North American Press.