Review of Unsegregated Food Wastes’ Circular Bioeconomy by Insects’ Assistance
Subject Areas : Microbiology
Nassim Golestanehzadeh
M. Honarvar
1 - PhD Student of the Department of Food Science and Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: plastic, Bioeconomy, Insects, recycle, Food Waste,
Abstract :
Introduction: Currently, unsegregated food waste in our country is one of the environmental and economic problems. while in some countries, there are some precise superseded and retributive legal rules to prevent the release of not separated household or commercial food waste, thus, refusal these orders are accompanied by financial or social penalties.Materials and Methods: The last 5 years literature review on the management of these kind of wastes have been reviewed. Results: There are over 1,900 known species of edible insects. Cockroaches, caterpillars, bees, flies, and ants are the most popular. In this article, the use of these edible insects, which are used in some countries for human consumption, extraction of various sources such as protein or animal feed, has been mentioned and discussed as a solution for the use of these nonseparated food wastes containing plastics, which consequently, could be the aim of creating a green economic cycle for returning to nature and make economic exploitation.Results: Totally, the use of insects as a part of natural life cycles and as food and feed, especially in some developed and developing countries, has become one of the cost-effective and economic solutions to adjust the problem of non-separated food waste.Conclusion: Considering the country's economic and currency conditions, this can be an alternative solution, and these insects can be used as a source of protein for food and feed, or be used for biodiesels or agricultural purposes.
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El-Hack, A., Mohamed, E., Shafi, M. E., Alghamdi, W. Y., Abdelnour, S. A., Shehata, A. M., Noreldin, A. E., Ashour, E. A., Swelum, A. A. & Al-Sagan, A. A. (2020). Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) meal as a promising feed ingredient for poultry: A comprehensive review. Agriculture, 10(8), 339.
Elleby, C., Jensen, H. G., Domínguez, I. P., Chatzopoulos, T. & Charlebois, P. (2021). Insects Reared on Food Waste: A Game Changer for Global Agricultural Feed Markets? EuroChoices, 20(3), 56-62.
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Ojha, S., Bußler, S., Psarianos, M., Rossi, G. & Schlüter, O. (2021a). Edible insect processing pathways and implementation of emerging technologies. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 7(5), 877-900.
Ojha, S., Bußler, S., Psarianos, M., Rossi, G. & Schlüter, O. (2021b). Edible insect processing pathways and implementation of emerging technologies. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 7, 5.
Ojha, S., Bußler, S. & Schlüter, O. K. (2020). Food waste valorisation and circular economy concepts in insect production and processing. Waste Management, 118, 600-609.
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Salomone, R., Saija, G., Mondello, G., Giannetto, A., Fasulo, S. & Savastano, D. (2017). Environmental impact of food waste bioconversion by insects: Application of Life Cycle Assessment to process using Hermetia illucens. Journal of cleaner production, 140, 890-905.
Sana, A., Noora, L., Salma, K. & Noor, A. E. (2020). Effective policies to mitigate food waste in Qatar. African journal of agricultural research, 15(3), 343-350.
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Shen, M., Zhang, Y., Zhu, Y., Song, B., Zeng, G., Hu, D., Wen, X. & Ren, X. (2019). Recent advances in toxicological research of nanoplastics in the environment: A review. Environmental Pollution, 252, 511-521.
Siddiqua, S. & Al Mamun, A. (2020). An Inclusive Review on Recent Status of Plastic Biodegradation. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 8, 42-54.
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Stegmann, P., Londo, M. & Junginger, M. (2020). The circular bioeconomy: Its elements and role in European bioeconomy clusters. Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X, 6, 100029.
Su, C.-H., Nguyen, H. C., Bui, T. L. & Huang, D.L. (2019). Enzyme-assisted extraction of insect fat for biodiesel production. Journal of cleaner production, 223, 436-444.
Su, H., Liao, W., Wang, J., Hantoko, D., Zhou, Z., Feng, H., Jiang, J. & Yan, M. (2020). Assessment of supercritical water gasification of food waste under the background of waste sorting: Influences of plastic waste contents. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(41), 21138-21147.
Toussaint, B., Raffael, B., Angers-Loustau, A., Gilliland, D., Kestens, V., Petrillo, M., Rio-Echevarria, I. M. & Van den Eede, G. (2019). Review of micro-and nanoplastic contamination in the food chain. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 36(5), 639-673.
Van Huis, A., Rumpold, B., Van der Fels-Klerx, H. & Tomberlin, J. (2021). Advancing edible insects as food and feed in a circular economy. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 7(5), 935-948.
Varelas, V. (2019). Food wastes as a potential new source for edible insect mass production for food and feed: A review. Fermentation, 5(3), 81.
Wong, S. L., Nyakuma, B. B., Wong, K. Y., Lee, C. T., Lee, T. H. & Lee, C. H. (2020). Microplastics and nanoplastics in global food webs: A bibliometric analysis (2009–2019). Marine pollution bulletin, 158, 111432.
Yi, Y., Liu, S., Fu, C. & Li, Y. (2021). A joint optimal emissions tax and solid waste tax for extended producer responsibility. Journal of cleaner production, 314, 128007.
Zielińska, E., Karaś, M. & Baraniak, B. (2018). Comparison of functional properties of edible insects and protein preparations thereof. Lwt, 91, 168-174.
Akhtar, Y. & Isman, M. B. (2018). Insects as an alternative protein source. In Proteins in food processing (pp. 263-288). Elsevier.
Ali, S. S., Elsamahy, T., Koutra, E., Kornaros, M., El-Sheekh, M., Abdelkarim, E. A., Zhu, D. & Sun, J. (2021). Degradation of conventional plastic wastes in the environment: A review on current status of knowledge and future perspectives of disposal. Science of The Total Environment, 771, 144719.
Cf, S. F., Rebello, S., Mathachan Aneesh, E., Sindhu, R., Binod, P., Singh, S. & Pandey, A. (2021). Bioprospecting of gut microflora for plastic biodegradation. Bioengineered, 12(1), 1040-1053.
Chia, S. Y., Tanga, C. M., van Loon, J. J. & Dicke, M. (2019). Insects for sustainable animal feed: Inclusive business models involving smallholder farmers. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 41, 23-30.
El-Hack, A., Mohamed, E., Shafi, M. E., Alghamdi, W. Y., Abdelnour, S. A., Shehata, A. M., Noreldin, A. E., Ashour, E. A., Swelum, A. A. & Al-Sagan, A. A. (2020). Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) meal as a promising feed ingredient for poultry: A comprehensive review. Agriculture, 10(8), 339.
Elleby, C., Jensen, H. G., Domínguez, I. P., Chatzopoulos, T. & Charlebois, P. (2021). Insects Reared on Food Waste: A Game Changer for Global Agricultural Feed Markets? EuroChoices, 20(3), 56-62.
Golestanehzadeh, N. & Honarvar, M. (2021). Enhancing the Halal Food Industry by Utilizing Food Wastes. Journal of Halal Research, 4(2), 60-76. [In Persian]
Gravel, A. & Doyen, A. (2020). The use of edible insect proteins in food: Challenges and issues related to their functional properties. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 59, 102272.
Hasani, M., Iranmanesh, M., Amiri, H. & Rahmati, M. (2019). Energy analysis and experimental investigation on the effective parameters to improve process for biogas production from food waste. Fuel and Combustion, 12(3), 73-86. [In Persian]
Kesti, S. S. & Shivasharana, C. (2018). The role of insects and microorganisms in plastic biodegradation: A comprehensive review. Int. J. Sci. Res. in Biological Sciences Vol, 5, 6.
Khan, S., Dong, Y., Nadir, S., Schaefer, D. A., Mortimer, P. E., Xu, J., Ye, L., Gui, H., Wanasinghe, D. N. & Dossa, G. G. (2021). Valorizing plastic waste by insect consumption. Circular Agricultural Systems, 1(1), 1-9.
Kundungal, H., Gangarapu, M., Sarangapani, S., Patchaiyappan, A. & Devipriya, S. P. (2019). Efficient biodegradation of polyethylene (HDPE) waste by the plastic-eating lesser waxworm (Achroia grisella). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(18), 18509-18519.
Lin, C. S. K., Pfaltzgraff, L. A., Herrero-Davila, L., Mubofu, E. B., Abderrahim, S., Clark, J. H., Koutinas, A. A., Kopsahelis, N., Stamatelatou, K. & Dickson, F. (2013). Food waste as a valuable resource for the production of chemicals, materials and fuels. Current situation and global perspective. Energy & Environmental Science, 6(2), 426-464.
Losses, F. G. F. & Waste, F. (2011). Extent, causes and prevention. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Mak, T. M., Xiong, X., Tsang, D. C., Iris, K. & Poon, C. S. (2020). Sustainable food waste management towards circular bioeconomy: Policy review, limitations and opportunities. Bioresource technology, 297, 122497.
Mishra, G. (2017). Insects as Food. In Industrial entomology (pp. 413-434). Springer.
Ojha, S., Bußler, S., Psarianos, M., Rossi, G. & Schlüter, O. (2021a). Edible insect processing pathways and implementation of emerging technologies. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 7(5), 877-900.
Ojha, S., Bußler, S., Psarianos, M., Rossi, G. & Schlüter, O. (2021b). Edible insect processing pathways and implementation of emerging technologies. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 7, 5.
Ojha, S., Bußler, S. & Schlüter, O. K. (2020). Food waste valorisation and circular economy concepts in insect production and processing. Waste Management, 118, 600-609.
Poveda, J. (2021). Insect frass in the development of sustainable agriculture. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41(1), 1-10.
Ramukhwatho, F., duPlessis, R. & Oelofse, S. (2018). Preliminary drivers associated with household food waste generation in South Africa. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17(3), 254-265.
Rupani, P. F., Delarestaghi, R. M., Abbaspour, M., Rupani, M. M., El-Mesery, H. S. & Shao, W. (2019). Current status and future perspectives of solid waste management in Iran: a critical overview of Iranian metropolitan cities. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(32), 32777-32789.
Salomone, R., Saija, G., Mondello, G., Giannetto, A., Fasulo, S. & Savastano, D. (2017). Environmental impact of food waste bioconversion by insects: Application of Life Cycle Assessment to process using Hermetia illucens. Journal of cleaner production, 140, 890-905.
Sana, A., Noora, L., Salma, K. & Noor, A. E. (2020). Effective policies to mitigate food waste in Qatar. African journal of agricultural research, 15(3), 343-350.
Sanchez-Hernandez, J. C. (2021). A toxicological perspective of plastic biodegradation by insect larvae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 248, 109117.
Shen, M., Zhang, Y., Zhu, Y., Song, B., Zeng, G., Hu, D., Wen, X. & Ren, X. (2019). Recent advances in toxicological research of nanoplastics in the environment: A review. Environmental Pollution, 252, 511-521.
Siddiqua, S. & Al Mamun, A. (2020). An Inclusive Review on Recent Status of Plastic Biodegradation. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 8, 42-54.
Skrivervik, E. (2020). Insects' contribution to the bioeconomy and the reduction of food waste. Heliyon, 6(5), e03934.
Stegmann, P., Londo, M. & Junginger, M. (2020). The circular bioeconomy: Its elements and role in European bioeconomy clusters. Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X, 6, 100029.
Su, C.-H., Nguyen, H. C., Bui, T. L. & Huang, D.L. (2019). Enzyme-assisted extraction of insect fat for biodiesel production. Journal of cleaner production, 223, 436-444.
Su, H., Liao, W., Wang, J., Hantoko, D., Zhou, Z., Feng, H., Jiang, J. & Yan, M. (2020). Assessment of supercritical water gasification of food waste under the background of waste sorting: Influences of plastic waste contents. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(41), 21138-21147.
Toussaint, B., Raffael, B., Angers-Loustau, A., Gilliland, D., Kestens, V., Petrillo, M., Rio-Echevarria, I. M. & Van den Eede, G. (2019). Review of micro-and nanoplastic contamination in the food chain. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 36(5), 639-673.
Van Huis, A., Rumpold, B., Van der Fels-Klerx, H. & Tomberlin, J. (2021). Advancing edible insects as food and feed in a circular economy. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 7(5), 935-948.
Varelas, V. (2019). Food wastes as a potential new source for edible insect mass production for food and feed: A review. Fermentation, 5(3), 81.
Wong, S. L., Nyakuma, B. B., Wong, K. Y., Lee, C. T., Lee, T. H. & Lee, C. H. (2020). Microplastics and nanoplastics in global food webs: A bibliometric analysis (2009–2019). Marine pollution bulletin, 158, 111432.
Yi, Y., Liu, S., Fu, C. & Li, Y. (2021). A joint optimal emissions tax and solid waste tax for extended producer responsibility. Journal of cleaner production, 314, 128007.
Zielińska, E., Karaś, M. & Baraniak, B. (2018). Comparison of functional properties of edible insects and protein preparations thereof. Lwt, 91, 168-174.