Scrutiny organization social capital in urban management of Iran Moderate cities (Zanjan and Hamadan)
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
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Keywords: Social Capital, Organization, Urban Management, Moderate city, Iran,
Abstract :
Introduction and Objective: Organizational knowledge is whatever an organization's members know about processes, products, according to the definition, services, customers, markets, and competitors. (civi, 2001: 166) Thus, in today commercial world, most organizational value is based on intangible assets. Ability to identify and estimate the value of supply is vital for organizations. (Chang, 2004: 147) Social capital is among individual and organizational. Individual social capital is communication networks among individuals, while organizational social capital, due to communication networks between organizations. (Stone, 2001: 35) Coleman knows Individual social capital from ability actors for give benefit to each other that is resulting from membership in a social network, or other social structures. (Coleman, 1998: 96) Therefore social capital is the value that people achieve in social networks because of shared cultural norms, interaction effective, mutual trust and personal relationships among themselves. The aim this study is a logical explanation of organizational social capital in Iran moderate cities in order to realize the value and how organizational social capital in Iran moderate cities management with case study of Zanjan and Hamadan. Methods: The research method is descriptive - explanatory and survey method that has been paid descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the data. Finding: The findings indicate the level of organizational social capital (within the organization) in urban management (public and governmental sectors) is in the near to intermediate that has tendency to decrease. Also the significance level of social capital indicators in 99% level is very appropriate and indicators have been together. Result: The results show that social capital in the city's central cities, which tend to reduce the average, and if it does not boost the civilian agencies will have difficulty in performing tasks. Second, organizational social capital indicators together with the direct and meaningful relationship with both performance indicators have been positive.
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