Effect Of Brewing Time On Caffeine Content, Phenolic Compounds And Antioxidant Activity Of Tea Types (Black, White, Green And Matcha)
Subject Areas : Chem
meygol giahi
مریم قراچورلو
Peymaneh Ghasemi Afshar
1 - Msc Student Of The Department Of Food Science And Technology, Scienece And Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor Of The Department Of Food Science And Technology, Science And Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran,
Keywords: Antioxidant Activity, Brewing, Caffeine, Total Phenolic Compounds, Tea,
Abstract :
Introduction: The Production Process Of Teas And Their Brewing Conditions Play A Significant Role In The Properties And Compounds Found In Various Types Of Tea. In This Research, The Effect Of Tea Brewing Time On The Amount Of Total Phenolic Compounds And Antioxidant Activity And Caffeine Of Extracts From Four Types Of Tea Was Investigated.
Materials And Methods: All Kinds Of Black, White, Green And Matcha Teas Were Brewed In Two Times Of 10 Minutes And 30 Minutes And A Constant Temperature Of 90 Degrees Celsius, Then The Amount Of Total Phenolic Compounds Was Determined By Folin-Ciocalteu Method, Antioxidant Activity By Two Methods. DPPH, FRAP And The Amount Of Caffeine Were Measured And Compared With Each Other Using A Spectrophotometer.
Results: In 10 Minutes Of Brewing The Examined Teas, The Highest Amount Of Total Phenolic Compounds (360.10 G/L Of Gallic Acid) And The Highest Amount Of Antioxidant Properties Obtained From The FRAP Test (1681.36 µm Feso4) And The Highest Amount Of Caffeine ( 25.59 Mg/L Of Pure Caffeine) Belonged To Matcha Tea And The Highest IC50 Obtained From The DPPH Test (3.98 G/L) Belonged To Black Teas. In 30 Minutes Of Tea Brewing, The Highest Amount Of Total Phenolic Compounds (379.87 Mg/L Of Gallic Acid) Belongs To Chinese Green Tea, The Highest Amount Of Antioxidant Properties Obtained From The FRAP Test (1742.55 µm Feso4) Belongs To Iranian Green Tea, The Highest Amount Of IC50 (2.78 G/L) Belonged To Black Tea, And The Highest Amount Of Caffeine (27.01 Mg/L Of Pure Caffeine) Belonged To C.T.C. Black Tea.
Conclusion: The Overall Conclusion Showed That The Type Of Tea And Its Brewing Conditions Have A Significant Effect On The Amount Of Bioactive Compounds In The Tea Extract Consumed.
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