The Role Of Urban Management In Improving The Quality Of Public Spaces In Tabriz Metropolis With An Emphasis On Social And Cultural Development
Subject Areas : Social Evolutions
Fouzia Khayat Kalibar
Arash Saghafi Asl
Masoud Haghlesan
Hasan Sattari Sarbangholi
1 - PhD student in Urban Design, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor Of Architecture & Urban Planning Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor Of Architecture & Urban Planning Department, Ilkhchi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilkhchi, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor Of Architecture & Urban Planning Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: Social-Cultural, Public Spaces, Urban Management, Community, Tabriz Metropolis.,
Abstract :
The manifestation of rapid socio-cultural transformations and population growth in the 21st century has increasingly highlighted the demand for high-quality public spaces within communities. This research seeks to examine the role of urban management in enhancing the quality of public spaces with a focus on social and cultural development, particularly in the metropolis of Tabriz. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative studies, this research identifies and evaluates the role of urban management in this area. The findings indicate that urban management plays multiple roles in improving the quality of public spaces, including policy-making, planning, execution, maintenance, setting standards, acting as a catalyst, and facilitating social and cultural development. Data analysis reveals that policy-making acts as the primary driver in enhancing the quality of public spaces. Additionally, active participation by citizens in decision-making and project implementation has been recognized as a key factor in improving the quality of these spaces. This study emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive and integrated approach to managing public spaces within communities. Achieving high-quality public spaces requires attention to all socio-cultural, economic, and political dimensions, as well as collaboration among stakeholders, including urban managers, citizens, and various professionals. As such, this research serves as a reference for policymakers and urban managers aiming to improve the quality of urban public spaces. The findings can be used to develop long-term plans for enhancing public spaces and assessing the performance of urban management in this field.
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