Identify the drivers of academic guidance for ninth grade students to enter the conservatory
Subject Areas : Education
Feizollah Naseri
Maryam Islampanah
faranak mosavi
Elham Kaviani
1 - PhD Education Management, Islamic Azad University, Kermansha branch, Kermansha, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor Department of Education Management, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Kermansha University, Kermansha, Iran
3 - Associate Professor Department of Education Management, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Kermansha University, Kermansha, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor Department of Education Management, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Kermansha University, Kermansha, Iran
Keywords: academic guidance, ninth grade students, conservatory, Strasus & Corbin metod,
Abstract :
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to identify the drivers of ninth grade students to enter the conservatory research methodology: This research is of qualitative and phenomenological type. The statistical population of this study includes all experts and educational guidance counselors in Ilam city. Based on purposive sampling method, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 experts and consultants who had at least 10 years of service in the education system. In this study, in order to achieve validity, it was tried to use consultants and experts in the field of academic guidance, and to determine the reliability, the research partners' approval strategy was used , Accordingly, validity and reliability were confirmed. The analysis method used in the present study was Strauss and Corbin method. Findings: Based on the results of the interviews, 5 concepts were obtained in the form of 22 themes. Findings showed that the five concepts of empowerment and knowledge of experts and teachers, effective use of information and communication technology, increasing awareness and sense of responsibility of parents, empowering and increasing students' awareness and improving the academic guidance process and scoring methods are factors that can improve the student academic guidance process. Be the ninth grade to enter the conservatory. Conclusion: Therefore, it is suggested to use the model presented in this study in order to be more effective and efficient in the process of academic guidance of ninth grade students.
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