Relationship between managerial skills, job attitude, and basic knowledge and information with Principals Performance Based on the accountability to Environmental Needs with the Mediating Role of Ethical Commitment and Collective Effectiveness
Subject Areas : Educationakbar kazemi 1 , maryam sameri 2 , javad kayhan 3
1 - department of education, urmia bramch, Islamic azad university, urmia,iran.
2 - Ph.D. in Educational Management, Department of Education, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
Keywords: basic knowledge and information, managerial skills, Principal Performance Based on Response to Environmental Needs, Ethical Commitment, Collective Effectiveness, Job Attitude,
Abstract :
Introduction: Accountability is one of the major challenges in management performance. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between managerial skills, job attitude, and basic knowledge and information with the performance of principals based on accountability to environmental needs with the mediation of ethical commitment and collective efficiency. Research methodology: This research, in terms of purpose was an applied research and descriptive correlation in terms of data collection and control of variables. The statistical population of the present study includes all 1200 junior and senior high school principals of Urmia. From this statistical population 300 ones were selected as a sample using Morgan table and relative stratified sampling method. Data collection tools include Standard questionnaires. Findings: The results showed that there is a positive structural relationship between principals 'skills, job attitude, and basic knowledge and information with principals' performance with the mediating role of ethical commitment and collective efficiency. Conclusion: it is suggested pay attention to this personal and organizational factors for improve performance of principals based on accountability to environmental needs .
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