Designing an impact model for information technology in training entrepreneurial businesses with emphasis on organizational agility in Iran .
Subject Areas : Education
mehrdad rezaee
Tahmoures Sohrabi
mehdi karimi zand
1 - It Management,Management,Islamic Azad Univercity , Central Tehran Branch,Tehran . Iran.
2 - Assistance Professor,Manageemnt Department,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Information Technology, Organizational Agility, entrepreneurial businesses,
Abstract :
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to design an effective IT model in training small and medium entrepreneurial businesses with emphasis on the agility of organizations in Iran.
The research method is based on the theory derived from data and the statistical population of this research in the qualitative section, managers and heads and university professors are introduced as experts in the research, which uses a semi-structured questionnaire and in-depth interviews with experts. From the initial model modification (discovery of new variables, modification of the original model variables) the final model was obtained using MAXQDA software. And in the quantitative part, managers and employees of small and medium entrepreneurial businesses in Fars province are considered. The sampling method in this study is snowball.
Findings showed that the main variables of information technology model to improve education were the quality of technology management, business alignment, innovative performance, opportunism, technology integration, infrastructure and value creation.
research methodology: In this research, interviewing, observation and data collection methods have been used to collect information. The participants were selected in such a way that their activity in the field of information technology and training of small and medium businesses were entrepreneurial and they had valuable records in their work, the number of samples was considered between 10 and 25 people. The sampling method in this research is snowball type.
Findings: After conducting the interviews, the text of the interviews was carefully implemented and used for analysis along with the notes taken. To analyze the text of the interviews, the theme analysis method, which is widely used in qualitative research, was used. In order to identify the design components of the information technology influence model in the training of small and medium entrepreneurial businesses with an emphasis on the agility of the organization in Iran,
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