An Analysis of the Livability of Urban Areas: A Case Study of Tehran Region 1
Subject Areas :hadiseh moazami goudarzi 1 , Ali Tavakolan 2
1 - Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Factor Analysis, Tehran, Sustainable Development, Physical, Urban viability,
Abstract :
The rapid growth and development of cities in the last century, and especially in recent decades, led to the prevalence of urban plans to balance urban development, and industrialized and developed countries as the first countries began to plan for their cities. In Iran, too, urban growth and development began with a delay, but in practice includes the same problems that Western cities faced. In fact, the urban development developments of the last 200 years of the industrial world and the last 100 years of Iran and the metropolis of Tehran are no different except for the difference in time and place. The main problem of both delays in the perception of necessity is the facts and the rawness of urban planning ideas. The purpose of this study is to analyze and identify the viability of urban areas of Tehran. The research method is descriptive-analytical. Also, in order to identify various dimensions of livability in urban areas of Tehran, using the latest statistics, information and questionnaire tools in the form of 11 components and among 10 districts of Tehran Region 1, it has been studied and its results have been evaluated using factor analysis model. In this paper, first, using factor analysis, the indicators are reduced and a set of factors involved in the viability rate are extracted, and then, using the standardized rating ranking method, the ten areas of region one of Tehran are ranked. The obtained results show that the rankings of the districts of region one of Tehran are: District 1, District 10, District 5, District 4, District 8, District 7, District 6, District 3, District 2, District 9, respectively. In this ranking, zone one has the highest viability rank and zone nine is in an unfavorable position in terms of viability.
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