Designing and Validating a Technological Innovation Scale for the English as Foreign Language Learning Context
Subject Areas : Journal of Language, Culture, and Translation
Iran Kashanizadeh
Saeed Ketabi
Mohsen Shahrokhi
1 - هیات علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد مسجد سلیمان
2 - Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
3 - Department of English, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran
Keywords: EFL teachers, Innovation, Scale development, Technological innovation,
Abstract :
This study aimed to develop and validate a Technological Innovation Scale (TIS) specifically for the Iranian context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). A mixed-methods approach was employed, involving 375 EFL teachers selected through convenience sampling. The research began with a qualitative phase, using expert interviews and focus groups to generate and refine scale items. This was followed by a quantitative phase, where the scale's reliability and validity were tested in both a pilot and a main study. The pilot, conducted with 100 teachers, produced a Cronbach’s Alpha of .87, indicating good reliability. The main study further confirmed this with an overall Cronbach’s Alpha of .84. Factor analysis supported the scale’s construct validity. The results suggest that the TIS is a reliable and valid tool for assessing technology integration in Iranian EFL education, providing useful insights for educators and policymakers seeking to improve technology integration in education.
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