Designing a qualitative model of organizational disclosure in order to reduce organizational corruption (Study case of Tehran University of Medical Sciences)
Subject Areas :ویانا ورمزیار 1 , saeed baghersalimi 2 , بیژن شفیعی 3
1 - دانشجوی دکتری Ph.D. Student ,Department of Government Management, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iranتخصصی، گروه مدیریت دولتی، واحدرشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی،رشت، ایران
2 - Assistant Prof ‚Department of Government Management ‚ Rasht Branch‚ Islamic Azad University‚ Rasht, Iran
3 - Assistant Prof ‚Department of Government Management ‚ Rasht Branch‚ Islamic Azad University‚ Rasht, Iran
Keywords: qualitative model, organizational disclosure, organizational corruption, administrative health,
Abstract :
The purpose of determining the research methodology is to formulate the structure of the research and how to answer the research questions. Based on this, the methodology includes concepts such as the type of research and its implementation process, society, sample, and sampling method, tools and methods of data collection. The requirement and method of data analysis are discussed. Considering that, this research has been carried out in a quantitative manner using interviews and qualitative content analysis, as well as the implementation of an educational program designed based on the model. In this research, the type, process and method of conducting the research have been discussed, after presenting the research method and the sampling method and the sample size, examining and determining the components obtained from the interviews, the validity and reliability, the attitude gauge, the design and formulation of the organizational disclosure model in the direction The reduction of organizational corruption (the study of universities of medical sciences in Tehran) has been processed. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the data and check factor validity. The internal consistency of 5 (principal component) was also calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, in addition, the temporal reliability of the questions was determined using the intraclass correlation coefficient and using the test-retest method and statistical operations using spss software. And smsrt-pls is done.
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