Examining the role and position of corporate green innovation culture on market performance with emphasis on green marketing and product innovations. (Study case: Tehran Stock Exchange)
Subject Areas : improving the performance of the public sector; Taking advantage of the opportunities available to fulfill the needs of citizens
Sara Memari
Marzieh Ebrahimi Shaghaghi
Hossein Eslami Mofid Abadi
1 -
2 - Department of Accounting and Management, Shahryar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahryar, Iran
3 - Department of Accounting and Management, Shahryar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahryar, Iran
Keywords: Corporate green innovation culture, market performance, marketing green innovation, product green innovation ,
Abstract :
Green innovation can have a positive effect on the company's operations, making the company perform better than its competitors. This, in turn, can lead to an increase in sales volume and improve the company's financial position. Since aligning with the environment and preventing its destruction by companies, as well as how they operate and maintain the company's competitive advantages and create innovation to progress and keep pace with the growing markets are the most important concerns of organizations today, so creating a culture of green innovation and It seems necessary to use different dimensions of green innovation in the organization. Considering the importance of green innovation and the culture of green innovation and the effects it can have on market performance, especially considering the role of environmental performance. The statistical population of the current research includes 470 companies (companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange in the years 1391 to 1401), and based on Cochran's formula, the statistical sample of this research was determined to be 211 companies. In this research, structural equation modeling is used to investigate the relationships between the components of the model. To test the hypotheses, the structural equation method with Lisrel software was used. T-statistics for the structural model and measurement were proposed to check the significance of the relationship between the variables. The research results showed that the green innovation culture of a company with the green innovation of marketing has an effect. and the green innovation culture of the company has had an effect on product green innovation. Also, the results showed that marketing green innovation had an impact with market performance, and on the other hand, product green innovation had an impact with market performance.
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