conceptual basics of loneliness:a qualitytive study
Subject Areas : روان درمانگری
Susan Rahimzadeh
Hamid Reza Pour Etemad
Ali Asgari
Mohammad Reza Hojjat
1 - PhD
Islamic Azad University
South Tehran Branch
2 - PhD
Shahid Beheshti University
3 - PhD
Tarbiat Moalem University
4 - PhD
Thomas Jefferson University
Keywords: loneliness, Content Analysis, Conceptualization, religious/spiritual loneliness,
Abstract :
this study was aimed to explore the conceptual components of loneliness experiences based on qualitative research and content analysis approaches among Iranian university students. To collect content information about loneliness, three steps were taken. First, the literature on loneliness and its measurements reviewed comprehensively. Second, 10 counselors (4 females, 6 males), and 10 college students (6 females, 4 males) were interviewed and their views regarding loneliness were recorded. Third, 135 college students (94 females, 41 males) completed a loneliness open-ended questionnaire. Content analysis of the literature review resulted in seven components of loneliness:emotional, social, family, romantic, friends, larger groups (group affiliation), and existential loneliness. Five components were identified from the content analysis of interviews with counselors: individual/ emotional, social/ relational, family/ relational, existential, and religious/spiritual. Four components emerged from interviews with students: individual/emotional, relational, romantic, and religious/spiritual. Three components were recognized from the openended questionnaire: individual/emotional, relational (relations with others, family, friends, larger groups), and religious/spiritual. In this study, the emergence of religious/spiritual component of loneliness was unique and suggested that this component must be included in any measurement of loneliness in Iranian samples. Based on these findings, an instrument consistent with Iranian culture can be developed for measuring loneliness.