Exploring the Effect of Teacher-student and Student-student Rapport on Classroom Sense of Community and Students’ Classroom Engagement
Subject Areas : Journal of Language, Culture, and Translationنیما یمرلی 1 , حامد ضرابی 2 , نادیا قرنی 3
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Keywords: Classroom Sense of Community, Rapport, Teacher-Student Rapport, Students’ Classroom Engagement, Student-Student Rapport,
Abstract :
The aim of the current study was to explore the effect of teacher-student rapport and student-student rapport on classroom sense of community and students’ classroom engagement among Iranian secondary high school EFL learners. For this to be done, 300 teenage students from different high schools in Golestan province, Iran were recruited through random sampling to partake in the study. For the data to be collected, three questionnaires (teacher-student rapport and student-student rapport scale, classroom sense of community scale, and students’ classroom engagement scale) were distributed among the participants. A total of 57 6-Likert items were answered by the students. Using Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Pearson correlation, and Mediation analysis, it was revealed that there was a significant correlation between teacher-student rapport and student-student rapport and classroom engagement and classroom sense of community. In addition to that, it was revealed that a classroom sense of community had a direct and significant effect on students’ engagement. The implications of this study are mainly for the teachers to provide a friendly relationship with their students and with the students themselves so that they can feel relaxed and safe to be engaged in the learning process.
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