The importance of soft power in international relations; From China's cultural exports to the Middle East to the cultural opportunities of the Iran-China agreement
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsSeyed Hassan Mirfakhraei 1 , Farhad Farahani 2
1 - Associate professor, Department of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba'i University
2 - M.A in International Relations, Allameh Tabataba'i University
Keywords: Soft power, International relations, Culture, China, Iran, cooperation agreement,
Abstract :
International relation's arena is extremely effected of cultural and identity ingredients. So gain an aspect and international prestige, penetrate in public opinion and access to soft power are the important and at the same time unspecified goals is the diplomacy of countries. China's emerging power is trying to export its cultural industries and penetrate as deeply as possible in the MiddleEast in order to strengthen its soft power.The importance of this Chinese strategy can be seen in the cooperation document with Iran.At the same time, the identity and cultural opportunities contained in this agreement have the potential to expand Iran's soft power in the international system.Therefore, the purpose of this study is with descriptive-explanatory method and using library texts and available data to answer the main question, how does China's cultural exports to the Middle East and the cultural opportunities of the Iran-China Cooperation Agreement highlight the role of soft power in international relations?This hypothesis is raised in response to this question: China's investment in the distribution of identity products in the Middle East and the cultural opportunities resulting from the 25-year cooperation agreement for Iran, express the need for governments to pay attention to the concept of soft power.
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