The Effect of Action and Strategic Computer Games on Selective Reaction Time and Impulsive Response in School Pupils
Subject Areas :
Infomartion Technology
Ahmad Jadidian
Hassan Pasha Sharifi
1 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Kangavar Branch
2 - Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Rudehen Branch
Received: 2013-09-09
Accepted : 2014-06-13
Published : 2013-08-01
Computer Games,
Selective Reaction Time,
Impulsive Response,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted to examine the effect of action and strategic computer games on visual and audio selective reaction times and impulsive responses in school pupils. The research method was causal-comparative. The statistical population included all 13-18-year-old boy school pupils in Hamedan. The sampling method was non-random voluntary and purposeful sampling to match the procedure into groups. Two test groups (action computer games and strategic computer games) were matched in a targeted manner with a control group that lacked any experience of computer games. The selective reaction time and impulsive responses of subjects were measured by advanced reaction time software. The data were analyzed by MANOVA and ANOVA. The results revealed that both reaction times in test groups were faster than in control group. The two reaction times in action games group were faster than in strategic games group, and the impulsive responses in computer games groups (test groups) were fewer than in control group.
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