Designing and validating the social marketing model with the role of social responsibility and customers' attitude towards the brand with a mixed approach (case study: Social Security Organization of the country)
Subject Areas : marketing
Gholamreza Tizfahmefard
Hassan Esmailpour
fariz taherikia
leila andervazh
1 - Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Germany Branch in collaboration with the United Arab Emirates, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Center, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Firuzkoh branch, Firozkoh, Iran
4 - 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Khorramshahr International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramshahr, Iran
Keywords: Social marketing, customers', attitude towards the brand, mixed approach, social security organization, social responsibility,
Abstract :
Creating and improving brand value in the social security organization is tied to social marketing performance. The current research was conducted with the aim of designing and validating the social marketing model with the role of social responsibility and customers' attitude towards the brand with a mixed approach in the social security organization. This research is a mixed research from the perspective of applied-developmental goal, data collection method, descriptive and nature of data. The statistical population of the qualitative part includes the managers of the social security organization, and the quantitative part includes the customers of the organization, including the insured, employers, and pensioners. The data collection tool in the qualitative part is semi-structured interview and in the quantitative part, researcher-made questionnaire. In order to analyze the expert interviews, the grounded theory method and the quantitative data were analyzed with the structural equation model method. In the open coding stage, 236 codes were identified, which were classified into 6 paradigms, 9 main categories and 39 indicators. According to the results of the research, the central phenomenon in this study is social marketing and customers' attitude towards the brand are the causal and influencing conditions of this phenomenon. Social responsibility provides the governing platform and background factors, and organizational change management is also an intervening condition. Finally, through strategies such as customer experience management, service development and empowerment, achievements such as brand value creation and customer satisfaction can be achieved.