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    Journal of Applied Dynamic Systems and Control ( Specialist )
  • OpenAccess
  • About the journal

    The Journal of Applied Dynamic Systems and Control (JADSC) is an international scientific journal that aims to develop the international exchange of scientific and technical information in all areas of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. All manuscripts with significant research results in the scope of the journal are welcome if they are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere. Applied Dynamic Systems and Control (JADSC) is an open access journal and appears quarterly( semiannually until September 2023).

    Printing, Processing and publication with 5,000,000 Rials charges after scientific acceptance, for Iranian authors . It is free for foreign authors.

    The main focus of the Journal will be:

     Modeling and identification of technological processes in the fields of Electrical and Mechanical engineering

     Applications of automatic control in Electrical and Mechanical systems

    Computer-aided technologies for power systems automation

    Systems Control devices and instruments; Design system and optimization algorithms

    Planning and reliability; System control centers, On-line control including load and switching control

    Protection, Microgrid, Evolutionary computing and Intelligent systems, Systems and automation

    Neural networks and fuzzy logic, Nonlinear control systems, Optimization theory and Optimal control, Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Systems; Sustainable energy, Biomass and bioenergy, and  Electricity supply and demand energy storage


    According to the regulation put forth by Islamic Azad University, all authors are required to pay IRR 5 million once they receive sientific acceptance.


    All Authors are requested to complete Journal's copyright form and submit it along with their papers. (Copyright Form)

    Conflicts of Interest Form

    All Authors are requested to complete Journal's conflicts of interest form and submit it along with their papers. (Conflicts of interest form)

    Template file

    Please prepare your manuscript according JADSC-Template


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  • Email
    Depatment of Engineering, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University,Aliabad Katoul, Iran
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    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 7
    Number of Issues 16
    Printed Articles 131
    Number of Authors 282
    Article Views 42807
    Article Downloads 9478
    Number of Submitted Articles 164
    Number of Rejected Articles 17
    Number of Accepted Articles 138
    Acceptance 71 %
    Time to Accept(day) 97
    Reviewer Count 47
    Last Update 2025-3-09