• فهرس المقالات Extension agents

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - شناسایی صلاحیت‌های موردنیاز مروجان کشاورزی شهری از دیدگاه کارشناسان ترویج سازمان جهاد کشاورزی استان زنجان
        کلثوم حمیدی جعفر یعقوبی
        کشاورزی شهری، به‌عنوان راهبردی نوظهور در فرایند توسعه پایدار شهری مطرح شده است و ترویج یکی از سازوکارهای توسعه آن محسوب می شود. ترویج کشاورزی شهری زمانی اثربخش خواهد بود که در ارائه خدمات ترویجی، نیروی انسانی کارآمد و توانمند به کار گیرد. پژوهش حاضر باهدف شناسایی صلاحیت أکثر
        کشاورزی شهری، به‌عنوان راهبردی نوظهور در فرایند توسعه پایدار شهری مطرح شده است و ترویج یکی از سازوکارهای توسعه آن محسوب می شود. ترویج کشاورزی شهری زمانی اثربخش خواهد بود که در ارائه خدمات ترویجی، نیروی انسانی کارآمد و توانمند به کار گیرد. پژوهش حاضر باهدف شناسایی صلاحیت های موردنیاز مروجان کشاورزی شهری انجام شد. در این مطالعه از روش توصیفی-پیمایشی استفاده شد. ابزار گردآوری داده های تحقیق نیز پرسشنامه بود. برای سنجش روایی پرسشنامه از دیدگاه اعضای هیأت‌علمی و کارشناسان مرتبط و برای پایایی آن از پیش آزمون و محاسبه ضریب کرونباخ آلفا استفاده شده است که مقدار این ضریب 90/0 به دست آمد. جامعه آماری این تحقیق را کارشناسان ترویج سازمان جهاد کشاورزی استان زنجان تشکیل دادند (168=N). از میان آن‌ها نمونه 91 نفری با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای انتخاب شدند. نتایج تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی نشان داد ازنظر افراد موردمطالعه صلاحیت های موردنیاز مروجان شهری به ترتیب در هفت عامل مهارت های برنامه ریزی ترویجی و آموزشی، مسئولیت پذیری خلاقانه و کارآفرینانه، توانمندی در ICT و تکنولوژی آموزشی و مهارت های ارتباطات شهری، دانش اداری- حقوقی بالا، تجربه و دانش آموزش و یادگیری بزرگسالان، نگرش مثبت به کشاورزی شهری همراه باتجربه و دانش روزآمد، اخلاق علمی شایسته دسته بندی می شوند. این عوامل درمجموع 91/76 درصد از کل واریانس صلاحیت‌های موردنیاز مروجان را تبیین کردند. نتایج تجزیه‌وتحلیل واریانس یک‌طرفه دیدگاه کارشناسان در مورد عامل اول و ششم معنی دار شد اما در مورد بقیه عوامل معنی دار نشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - Analysis of Farmers’ Feedback on Agricultural Development Project’s (ADP’S) Performances in Kogi State, Nigeria
        Adejo Grace Saliu J. Adejo P. Emmanuel
        his study investigated the farmers’ feedback on Agricultural Development Project’s (ADP’s) performance. The study was carried out in Kogi State, Nigeria. Interview schedules were used to collect data from 160 contact farmers and 80 field extension work أکثر
        his study investigated the farmers’ feedback on Agricultural Development Project’s (ADP’s) performance. The study was carried out in Kogi State, Nigeria. Interview schedules were used to collect data from 160 contact farmers and 80 field extension workers who were randomly selected using multistage random sampling techniques. The data collected were subjected to both descriptive and non-parametric statistics. Result shows that both extension agents and farmers highly rated information on credit use (x = 2.63), and both also highly rated credits (x = 2.58) in terms of material technology needs. However, Mann Withney U statistic analysis shows that there was significant (P < 0.05) difference between the perception of farmers and extension agent on the level of information needs of contact farmers implying that the extensionists did know the priority needs of farmers. Farmers claimed that the area of extension messages that were considered effective includes: improved seed/seedlings (x = 2.11), pesticides/insecticides application (x = 2.27), use of herbicides (x = 2.24) and markets/market prices (x = 2.25). This study therefore recommends that effort should be made by extension service providers to improve on areas of farmers identified perceived information/material needs such as credit use, tractor hiring, fertilizer supply, pesticides and improved breeds of chicken while training and better remuneration package be put in place to enhance extension workers performance/productivity. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - Training Needs of Agricultural Extension Agents in Delta State, Nigeria
        Ajieh P. C Ulakpa J. E
        This study examined the training needs of agricultural extension agents in Delta State, Nigeria. A sample of 102 respondents was drawn from extension agents in the States’ Agricultural Development Programme (ADP), Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MAN أکثر
        This study examined the training needs of agricultural extension agents in Delta State, Nigeria. A sample of 102 respondents was drawn from extension agents in the States’ Agricultural Development Programme (ADP), Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MANR) and the FADAMA Programme. Data were collected in February 2017 by using a structured and validated questionnaire. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Mean scores, percentage, frequency count and standard deviation were used to summarize data, while Spearman Rank Order correlation coefficient (rho) was used to determine the relationship between competence and training needs of extension agents. Results reveal that extension agents are competent in the following professional skills: teaching farmers, public speaking, determination of farmers’ needs and planning extension programmes. It was also found that extension agents need training in some professional skills which include: production of teaching aids, planning excursion and field trips, providing market information and simplifying agricultural research results. Constraints to training of agricultural extension agents identified by the study include: poor funding, high cost of training, poor training incentives and limited training opportunities. A strong relationship was found between extension agents’ competence and their training needs. This study therefore recommends that training opportunities should be created by relevant agencies to enable extension agents improve their competence and performance. Also, constraints to training identified in this study should be tackled to allow for sustainable training programmes. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - Analysis of Farm Management Extension Services Performed by Extension Agents of Agricultural Development Projects in Southwest Nigeria
        Rashid Adisa Mudashir Mustapha Kayode Balogun Hussein Ibrahim Waliyat Oloyede
        The study analyzed farm management extension services (FMESs) performed by the extension agents of Agricultural Development Projects in South West Nigeria. Study representatives were sampled randomly from Oyo ADP, Osun ADP and Ekiti ADP, making a 50% representation of t أکثر
        The study analyzed farm management extension services (FMESs) performed by the extension agents of Agricultural Development Projects in South West Nigeria. Study representatives were sampled randomly from Oyo ADP, Osun ADP and Ekiti ADP, making a 50% representation of the South-West. A proportionate sample of 80% of the total of the extension agents in each of the 3 case studies was randomly selected; making a total sample of 164 respondents for the study. Data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages and mean. Findings revealed that majority (76.8%) of the respondents were males, had higher certificates than ND (92.7%) and supervised more than 199 farmers (61.6%). However, more than half of the respondents were still new in the extension work with working experience of between 1-10 years (55.5%). The results further showed that only few of the change agents performed farm management tasks related to finance and marketing. The major constraints facing the extension agents in performing FMESs in the study area were lack of incentives, farmers’ illiteracy and inadequate training ranking 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively. This study recommends that extension agents should be trained more in the core aspects of FMESs which include linkage to finance and marketing. Also, extension professionals should be well motivated with incentives to ensure that FMESs are adequately rendered to their clients for increased productivity. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - Communication Behaviour of Farmers with the Agricultural Extension Agents Using Cell Phone: A Case of Bangladesh
        Mohammad Rahman Mohammed Uddin Md. Khan
        The cell phone is one of the potential Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agricultural development especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. Thus, this paper deals with the farmers’ communication with the agricultural extension agents using أکثر
        The cell phone is one of the potential Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agricultural development especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. Thus, this paper deals with the farmers’ communication with the agricultural extension agents using mobile phone. The study was conducted in Mymensingh District in Bangladesh. Data were collected from a sample of 110 farmers while both descriptive and inferential analyses were used. The majority (53.64 percent) of the farmers had low cell phone contact while a good number (44.54 percent) of farmers had no cell phone contact, 1.82 percent had medium contact and no farmers had high cell phone contact with agricultural extension agents. Education, farm size, annual family income, extension contact, knowledge on ICT and cell phone use frequency correlated positively while only ‘age’ is correlated negatively to their cell phone contact with extension agents. Household size and organizational participation did not show any significant relationship. Small numbers of farmers were receiving information on seed, fertilizer, culture practices, pest control and market related through cell phone. Farmers’ communication preferences through cell phone comparatively were Sub Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO), Trained Farmers (TF) and Seed and Fertilizer Dealers. Lack of awareness on receiving information through cell phone, apathy to getting agricultural information through cell phone, poor knowledge about cell phone operation were the major problems of farmers’ communication with the agricultural extension agents using mobile phone. Respective authorities should encourage and train both farmers and extension agents to use mobile phone as easy, low cost and popular communication medium. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - Evaluation of Agricultural Research, Extension and Farmers Linkages: A case study from Gezira State Sudan
        Ahmed Bereir
        The present study seeks to evaluate the agricultural research, extension, and farmers linkages in Gezira State, Sudan. A field survey was used to collect data from50 extension agents, 50 farmers and50 researchers in Gezira State, Sudan. The collected data were coded, fe أکثر
        The present study seeks to evaluate the agricultural research, extension, and farmers linkages in Gezira State, Sudan. A field survey was used to collect data from50 extension agents, 50 farmers and50 researchers in Gezira State, Sudan. The collected data were coded, fed to the computer, statistically analyzed using (SPSS), discussed, and interpreted using descriptive statistics. The results revealed weak linkages between research and farmers, between extension and farmers, and between research and extension. The used method of communication between research, extension, and farmers are workshops, training periods for extension agents, field days, and demonstrations. The Main constraints facing the linkages between research, extension, and farmers are a lack of budgets for linkage activities, weak infrastructure, continuous change of extension agents' workplaces, and separate administrations of research and extension organizations. From this study, it can be concluded that the weak linkages between these three agricultural pillars will lead to low adoption of new agricultural technologies and consequently lead to low income from agricultural production in the country. The study recommends that constraints facing agricultural research, extension, and farmers linkages should be solved. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        7 - Borich Needs Assessment Model for Assessing Rice Post-harvest Value Addition Training Needs of Agricultural Extension Agents, Southern Region, Sierra Leone
        Philip Kamanda Masa Motaung Ernest Okorley
        The study investigated the rice post-harvest value addition competencies of Agricultural Extension Agents by the utilising the Borich Needs Assessment Model. The specific objectives sought to assess the personal characteristics of the agents, followed by their required أکثر
        The study investigated the rice post-harvest value addition competencies of Agricultural Extension Agents by the utilising the Borich Needs Assessment Model. The specific objectives sought to assess the personal characteristics of the agents, followed by their required training needs in rice post-harvest value addition. The study was done in the Southern Region of Sierra Leone which covers Bo, Bonthe, Moyamaba, and Pujehun districts. A descriptive quantitative research design that involved a survey method through a census of fifty Agricultural Extension Agents was used. Primary data were collected with a questionnaire from this population. The training needs of the agents that are required in rice post-harvest value addition technologies were analysed using the Mean Weighted Discrepancy Score (MWDS) formula of the Borich Needs Assessment model. The results were ranked and presented in tables. The results showed that the majority of the agents (84.0%) are males. Technologies such as milling paddy (MWDS=7.2769), and packaging and marketing of rice (MWDS=6.8672) ranked as the highest training needs of the agents. The study recommends an increase in the recruitment of female Agricultural Extension Agents and the provision of rice post-harvest value addition resources to improve rice quality after harvest. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        8 - Factors affecting lead farmers in facilitating conservation agriculture practices in Kalira Extension Planning Area in Ntchisi District, Malawi
        Daniel Matemba Dalo Njera
        This study explores the factors influencing Lead Farmers (LFs) in facilitating Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices in Malawi through the Lead Farmer Approach (LFA). LFA involves training individual farmers in smart agricultural practices, making them key agents for أکثر
        This study explores the factors influencing Lead Farmers (LFs) in facilitating Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices in Malawi through the Lead Farmer Approach (LFA). LFA involves training individual farmers in smart agricultural practices, making them key agents for disseminating new technologies. The research, conducted in the Ntchisi district, employs a mixed-method design combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study's methodology involves surveys and focus group discussions with 394 follower farmers and 104 lead farmers. Logistic regression analysis explores factors such as age, gender, education, support from extension agents, time for farming, access to transportation, incentives, and depletion of own resources. Results indicate that access to support from extension agents, access to transportation, and depletion of own resources significantly influence the facilitation of CA practices by LFs. Lack of support or transportation acts as a hindrance, while resource depletion decreases the likelihood of considering LFA a viable approach. The study emphasises the importance of external support, transportation infrastructure, and resource availability in empowering LFs to promote CA effectively. The findings contribute to the understanding of the complex dynamics influencing the success of CA practices facilitated by LFs. The study recommends targeted interventions to enhance LF capacity and suggests further research on gender dynamics in CA facilitation, especially in regions with traditional gender roles. Overall, this research provides valuable insights for government and development agencies working towards sustainable agricultural and rural development in Malawi. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        9 - Curricula Importance in Enhancing the Capabilities of Agriculture Extension Agents at the Field
        Muhammad Israr Nafees Ahmad Dawood Jan Tahir Ali Shah M. M. Shafi Noshad Khan
        Present study was conducted in the three provinces of Pakistan with the objectives to study the curricula relevancy with the participatory extension, supervision and administration and its practical applicability at the field level. For this extension agents of the sele أکثر
        Present study was conducted in the three provinces of Pakistan with the objectives to study the curricula relevancy with the participatory extension, supervision and administration and its practical applicability at the field level. For this extension agents of the selected provinces were selected purposively. Mail questionnaire were used as instruments for data collection form 227 respondents and were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Findings of the study revealed that the respondent either strongly agreed or agreed with the statements that the curricula in an extension education program helped them to win farmers trust for effective agriculture extension (93%), organize farmers into participatory learning groups (75%) and answer the questions raised by farmers (89%) and to use audio visual aids respectively (92%). This implies for the acceptance of null hypothesis that the curricula improve the extension agent’s skills in different field levels programs. Respondent were also either strongly agreed or agreed that the curricula in an extension education program helped them to supervise and guide official duties of field staff (87%), monitor the work of junior field staff (85%), maintain office morale (82%) and to develop leadership potential (86%) of the staff at the field. This implies for the acceptance of alternative hypothesis. Furthermore the respondents also reported rated the curricula contents and structure with respect to scope and topics as excellent (14%), good (61%), fair (21%) and poor (4%). The study as a whole concludes that the extension agents perceived the existing curricula as effective and result oriented. The study recommends that to make the curricula more effective for sustainable agriculture development there is a need for looking into the farmer’s needs and expressions, learning and instructional technologies and giving importance to the views of the extension field staff for revision and development of the curricula. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        10 - Analysis of the Relationship between "Agricultural Information System Members' Viewpoint towards Organic Products" and "their Environmental Attitude": the Case of the Central District of Boyer-ahmad County
        Mehdi Nooripoor Sanaz Arpanahi Zeinab Sharifi
        The aim of this research was to investigate this research was to investigate the relationship between Agricultural Information System (AIS) members' viewpoint towards organic products and their environmental in central District of Boyer- Ahmad County. The research popul أکثر
        The aim of this research was to investigate this research was to investigate the relationship between Agricultural Information System (AIS) members' viewpoint towards organic products and their environmental in central District of Boyer- Ahmad County. The research population included researchers, extension agents and contact farmers of the study area and based on this population numbers, the sample sizes were determined 62, 55 and 60 persons respectively using Krejcie and Morgan sampling table. The main tool for collecting data about the respondent’s viewpoints towards organic products was a pre-designed questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by rural development experts and its reliability also confirmed by using Cronbach-Alpha coefficient (0.76-0.94).Moreover, the environmental attitude of the respondents was measured using Dunlap & Van Liere's New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale. The results showed that researchers, extension agents and farmers had a moderate environmental attitude. Furthermore, researchers and extension agents had above average viewpoint towards organic products. However, farmers had a fairly favorable viewpoint. In addition, the relationship between Agricultural Information System Members' viewpoint towards organic products and their environmental attitude was positive and significant which indicated that the more favorable environmental attitude they have, the more tendencies towards organic products they have. As a result, improving environmental attitude should be given priority in order to produce healthy products and preserve the environment. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        11 - Investigation of East Azerbaijan Researchers and Extension Agents’ View about the Role of Extension Services on Agricultural Development
        Javad Mahmoodi Karamjavan
        The purpose of this study was investigation of East Azerbaijan researchers and extension agents’ view about the role of extension services on agricultural development. The methodology was descriptive-correlation which is carried out by survey method. In this study أکثر
        The purpose of this study was investigation of East Azerbaijan researchers and extension agents’ view about the role of extension services on agricultural development. The methodology was descriptive-correlation which is carried out by survey method. In this study, the sample population was 335 people including all researchers and extension agents working in the agricultural sector. To assess the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used and level over 0.75 for all sections of the questionnaire was measured. Its validity was established asking for the help from the technical experts. Results showed that the agricultural extension is an undeniable necessity in the agricultural development the effects of which has been positive and significant in the major variables of the agricultural development. The shortcomings are not due to the nature of extension rather they are because of improper execution, lack of support and similar reasons. The reduction of pest damage, improvement of the social status, contribution to boost handicrafts, acceptance of product insurance, recommendations for land leveling, creation of sale cooperation, awareness raising of the market, use of modern irrigation methods and several factors else was those extension role factors that the respondents agreed upon. تفاصيل المقالة