• Said.Ataa Phytoconstituents profiling of <i>Cissus rotundifolia</i> (Forssk.) Vahl. by HPLC-MS/MS, and evaluation of its free radical scavenging activity (DPPH) and cytotoxicity [ Vol.2, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2018]
  • Sarker.Satyajit D. Phytochemicals and phyto-extracts in cosmetics [ Vol.2, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 2018]
  • Scardelletti.Giorgina Chemical profiling of the fruits of <i>Styrax officinalis</i> L. from Monti Lucretili (Latium region, Central Italy): Chemotaxonomy and nutraceutical potential [ Vol.2, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2018]
  • Sciubba.Fabio Chemical profiling of the fruits of <i>Styrax officinalis</i> L. from Monti Lucretili (Latium region, Central Italy): Chemotaxonomy and nutraceutical potential [ Vol.2, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2018]
  • Sena.Suzara Extracts from <i>Thymus vulgaris</i> and <i>Origanum vulgare</i> L. obtained by different separation processes: global yield and functional profile [ Vol.2, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2018]
  • Serafini.Ilaria Chemical profiling of the fruits of <i>Styrax officinalis</i> L. from Monti Lucretili (Latium region, Central Italy): Chemotaxonomy and nutraceutical potential [ Vol.2, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2018]
  • Serafini.Mauro Chemical profiling of the fruits of <i>Styrax officinalis</i> L. from Monti Lucretili (Latium region, Central Italy): Chemotaxonomy and nutraceutical potential [ Vol.2, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2018]
  • Sewald.Norbert Bioactive essential oils from the Cameroonian rain forest: A review - Part I [ Vol.2, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 2018]
  • Shimizu.Kuniyoshi Potential activities for constituents from <i>Vicia faba</i> [ Vol.2, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2018]
  • Singh.Rakshapal Genetic variability of agronomic traits and biodiversity in the genus <i>Ocimum</i> [ Vol.2, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2018]
  • Soetan.Olaniyi Influence of different solvent polarities on the phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant properties of the fruit of <i>Xylopia aethiopica</i> (Dunal) A. Rich [ Vol.2, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2018]
  • Stoyanova.A. Phytochemicals in leaves and extracts of the variety “Plovdiv 7” of Bulgarian oriental tobacco (<i>Nicotiana tabacum</i> L.) [ Vol.2, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2018]
  • Sukalingam.Kumeshini Preliminary phytochemical analysis and <i>in vitro</i> antioxidant properties of Malaysian ‘Kundang’ (<i>Bouea macrophylla</i> Griffith) [ Vol.2, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 2018]