On weakly e*-open and weakly e*-closed Functions
Subject Areas : General topology
M. Özkoc
S. Erdem
1 - Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, 48000, Mentese-Mugla, Turkey
2 - Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Mathematics, 48000, Mentese- Mugla, Turkey
Keywords: $e^{*}$-open set, $e^{*}$-open function, weakly $e^{*}$-open function, weakly $e^{*}$-closed function, contra $e^{*}$-closed,
Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to introduce and study two new classes offunctions called weakly $e^{*}$-open functions and weakly$e^{*}$-closed functions via the concept of $e^{*}$-open set definedby Ekici \cite{erd1}. The notions of weakly $e^{*}$-open and weakly$e^{*}$-closed functions are weaker than the notions of weakly$\beta$-open and weakly $\beta$-closed functions defined by Caldasand Navalagi \cite{cal}, respectively. Moreover, we investigate notonly some of their fundamental properties, but also theirrelationships with other types of existing topological functions.
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