Some topological properties of fuzzy strong b-metric spaces
Subject Areas : General topology
1 - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University Mugla 48000, Turkey
Keywords: Fuzzy strong b-metric space, strong b-metric space, complete, separable,
Abstract :
In this study, we investigate topological properties of fuzzy strongb-metric spaces defined in [13]. Firstly, we prove Baire's theorem forthese spaces. Then we define the product of two fuzzy strong b-metric spacesdefined with same continuous t-norms and show that $X_{1}\times X_{2}$ is acomplete fuzzy strong b-metric space if and only if $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ arecomplete fuzzy strong b-metric spaces. Finally it is proven that a subspaceof a separable fuzzy strong b-metric space is separable.
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