Evaluating Factors Affecting Project Success: An Agile Approach
Subject Areas : Project ManagementMohammad Sheikhalishahi 1 * , Mohammad Amin Amani 2 , Ayria Behdinian 3
1 - School of Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - University of Tehran
3 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, Simulation, Machine Learning, Agile project management, Scrum,
Abstract :
Selection of the most influential factors to improve the performance of organizations has consistently been a significant task for project managers. These underlying factors aim to prevent the failure of the project and to improve the performance of employees. The success of the organization's projects is directly correlated to customer satisfaction, time, cost, and product quality at the time of project completion. In this paper, after reviewing the literature on the elements influencing the project's success, the extent to which each factor affects the project's success is accessed. A practical data evaluation method to predict the most underlying item is a machine learning algorithm, a perfect contributory method for project managers to examine the influential factors. After identifying the component with the highest effect on the project success, validating the selected items in a real-world practice paves the way for assessing that factor's effectiveness. In this study, after selecting the Agile approach as the most notable, the simulation models were utilized to measure the proportion of organizational performance improvement. Agile Management, which is considered in the actual case, signifies implementing the Scrum method and all the definitions and phases related to this method in the organization. The analyzed Agile practice (Scrum) for the case study decremented the project cost and time substantially and enhanced the service and product quality.
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