Open Access Article
1 - Analysis of Soil Populations of Aspergillus flavus Link. from Pistachio Orchards in Iran for Vegetative Compatibility
M. Houshyar Fard H. Rouhani M. Falahati Rastegar E. Mehdikhani Moghaddam S. Malekzadeh Shafaroudi C. Probst -
Open Access Article
2 - Infuence of pollen source and pollination Time on Furit set of Ferragness Self-incompatibility Almond
M. Agajanlo A. Imani S. Piri pireivatlou K. Barzegar S..Hassan. Masomi S.H. Ava -
Open Access Article
3 - Xenia in Almonds: Pollen Source Effect on Characteristics of Some Iranian Late-Blooming Almonds and their self-Incompatibility
S. Alizadeh Salteh K. Arzani -
Open Access Article
4 - Self-incompatibility Studies of Some Iranian Late-Blooming Almonds and Pollen Source Effect on Some Characteristics of Nuts
S. Alizadeh-Salteh K. Arzani A. Imani -
Open Access Article
5 - Discrimination and preliminary selection of self-compatible progenies among controlled crosses in almond using Sf specific primer
M. Shahmoradi M. Rasouli R. Footuhi Ghazvini A. Imani Y. Hamidogli -
Open Access Article
6 - Study of Compatibility Relationships Among Some Almond Cultivars and Genotypes Using of SAlleles Identification
M. Fallah M. Rasouli Y. Sharaf A. Imani -
Open Access Article
7 - The Evaluation of Three Commercial Pistachio Cultivars on UCB1-hybride Rootstock under Field Conditions
M. Ahmadi Kouhbanani A. Taj Abadi Pour D. Abadikhah -
Open Access Article
8 - The Study of Morphological Traits and Identification of Self-incompatibility Alleles in Almond Cultivars and Genotypes
Mousa Rasouli -
Open Access Article
9 - Identification of Self- incompatibility Alleles in Some Almond Genotypes by Degenerate S-RNase Primers
A. Kamareh Y. Sharafi A. Ghanbari