Understanding the Entailment to Establish the Entrepreneurial University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Iranian Higher Education Universities)
Subject Areas :
Agricultural Education
Bahareh Abedi
Masoud Baradaran
Bahman Khosropour
Masoud Yazdanpanah
Jafar Yaghobi
1 - Ph.D. in Agricultural Education, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Khuzestan
2 - Professor and faculty member, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Khouzestan
3 - Professor and faculty member, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Khouzestan
4 - Professor and faculty member, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Khouzestan
5 - Associate Professor and Faculty Member, University of Zanjan
Received: 2023-03-30
Accepted : 2023-06-30
Published : 2023-09-01
Higher education in Agriculture,
Abstract :
Today, due to the effective role of higher education in building a knowledge economy, varied missions and expectations have been assigned to the university. Accordingly, the university must, with the long-term support of economic development through the production of knowledge, and the mechanism of technology transfer, affect the economies of countries and promote their economic prosperity. In this context, it is merely an entrepreneurial university that, as a third-generation university with a more Transcendental duty than traditional universities, ensures a better university capacity in response to changes and expectations, Such as improving the job skills of graduates and reducing the number of unemployed graduates, especially in agriculture. The Iranian agricultural sector, being one of the most important sectors of the economy, desperately needs to develop and improve, therefore, building Entrepreneurial Agriculture and Natural Resources University (EANRU) and making fundamental changes in current universities is more urgent. Therefore, this study aims to identify the necessities of creating a university using the qualitative paradigm. The statistical society was comprised of 37 faculty members of the Iranian Higher education Centers. Grounded theory was used to collect data. Snowball sampling method was used. The conceptual model of entailments for creating EANRU was developed after reaching the theoretical saturation, open coding, axial coding and eventually selective coding. Finally, practical suggestions for implementing the model were presented.
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