Open Access Article
1 - Recent Nutritional Advances to Mitigate Methane Emission in Cattle: A Review
A. Hadipour ا. محیط H. Darmani Kuhi F. Hashemzadeh -
Open Access Article
2 - Effect of Metabolic Stress on Ovarian Activity and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cattle: A Review
م. فرمان س. ناندی و. گریش کومار س.ک. تریپاسی پ.س.پ. گوپتا -
Open Access Article
3 - Principal Component Analysis of Biometric Traits in Guilan Native Cattle of Iran
M. Golshani Jourshari A.A. Shadparvar ن. قوی حسین زاده F. Rafeie M.H. Banabazi A.M. Johansson -
Open Access Article
4 - Nutritional Status of Dairy Cattle in theNorth-Western Himalayan Region of the Kashmir Valley
S.H. Bhat D. Medhi H.A. Ahmed F.A. Matto -
Open Access Article
5 - Fertility of Holstein Cattle in a Subtropical Climate of Egypt
El-Wishy El-Wishy -
Open Access Article
6 - Effect of Using Reproductive Technologies on Genetic Progress in Sistani Native Cattle of Iran: A Simulation Study
ه. فرجی-آروق م. رکوعی ع. مقصودی م. مهری س. انصاری مهیاری ا. کریستین سورنسن -
Open Access Article
7 - Serum Protein of Female Holstein Calves Fed Milk through Step-Down and Conventional Methods
آ.سی.اس. سوآرس اف. مورایس کوستا ای.ر. دوآرت ل.سی. گراسیو م.جی. فریرا جی.آ. باستوس م.م. ملو ، ر.ر. ونکسلاو ن.جی.اف. اُلیویرا -
Open Access Article
8 - Genetic Predisposition to Abortions Is Increasing in Iranian Holstein Cows
S. Nadri P. Zamani A. Sadeghi-Sefidmazgi R. Abdoli A. Ghazi Khani Shad -
Open Access Article
9 - Effect of Dietary and Animal Factors on Milk Fatty Acids Composition of Grazing Dairy Cows: A Review
A.I. Roca Fernandez A. Gonzalez Rodriguez -
Open Access Article
10 - Economic Opportunity Survey of Small Dairy Farms in the Southwest Part of Iran
M. Vatankhah M. Faraji A.A. Gharadaghi A.R. Aghashahi -
Open Access Article
11 - Association between Plasma and Milk Urea on the Insemination Day and Pregnancy Rate in Early Lactation Dairy Cows
A. Chaveiro M. Andrade A.E.S. Borba F. Moreira da Silva -
Open Access Article
12 - Estimation of the Methane Emission Factor for Buffalo Cattle and Bulls
F. Sarubbi R. Baculo R. Palomba G. Auriemma -
Open Access Article
13 - Transcriptome Sequencing of Guilan Native Cow in Comparison with bosTau4 Reference Genome
م. مریدی س.ح. حسینیمقدم س.ض. میرحسینی -
Open Access Article
14 - Evaluation of Fertility and Calving Ease of Small Holder Indigenous Cattle Herds in Semi-Arid Zone of Nigeria
G.N. Akpa M.L. Umar C. Alphonsus -
Open Access Article
15 - Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Intron 2 and Exon 3 Regions of Leptin Gene in Sumba Ongole Cattle
و.پ.ب. پوترا پ.پ. آگونگ -
Open Access Article
16 - Gasconne Beef Breed, an Explorative Study of Trans‐Border Differences in Management and Commercialization
A. Guerrero C. Sanudo J.A. Mateas S. Caillaud W.S. Sepulveda J. Toustou J.P. Gajan P. Santolaria -
Open Access Article
17 - Investigation of Kappa Casein Gene Polymorphism by PCR-RFLP in Najdi Cattle Breed Population in Khuzestan Province
گ. فرهادی م.ت. بیگی نصیری ج. فیاضی ه. روشنفکر -
Open Access Article
18 - Genetic Diversity between Bali Cattle (Bos javanicus) and It’s Hybrids Using Microsatellite Markers
ج. جاکاریا ا. آلیاه ف. سپوترا م. بیهقی ر.ر. نور -
Open Access Article
19 - Association of Somatic Cell Score with Production Traits in Iranian Holstein Cows
Z. Ghasemi A.A. Aslaminejad M. Tahmoorespur M. Rokouei H. Faraji Arough -
Open Access Article
20 - CSN1S1 Gene: Allele Frequency, and the Relationship with Milk Production Traits in Three Indigenous Cattle Breeds and Holstein
S. Zakizadeh E.M. Prinzenberg M. Reissmann S.R. Miraei Ashtiani P. Reinecke G. Erhardt -
Open Access Article
21 - Utilization of Urea and Urease Treated Rice Straw by Indigenous Growing Cattle
آ. اکتر م. اسدوزمان م.م. حسین ال. اسد -
Open Access Article
22 - Meta-Analysis of Methane Mitigation Strategies: Improved Predictions of Mitigation Potentials and Production Implications
آ. چیجیوک اوگبانا ا. رودینو سائتنان -
Open Access Article
23 - Association of PIT1 Gene with Milk Fat Percentage in Holstein Cattle
ز. ابراهیمی حسینزاده م.ر. محمدآبادی ع. اسمعیلیزاده الف خضری ع. نجمی نوری -
Open Access Article
24 - Association between the Melanocortin-4 Receptor (MC4R) Gene Polymorphisms and Growth Trait in Sumba Ongole Cattle
A. Fathoni S. Sumadi I.G.S. Budisatria A.P.Z.N.L. Sari D. Maharani -
Open Access Article
25 - Sward Factors Influence on Pasture Dry Matter Intake of Grazing Dairy Cows: A Review
آ.ال. روکا فرناندز آ. گنزالو ردریگوئز -
Open Access Article
26 - Effect of Roasted Soybean and Canola Seeds on Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors Gamma (PPARG) Gene Expression and Cattle Milk Characteristics
م. اَحسنی م.ر. محمدآبادی م. اسدی فوزی ع. اسمعیلی زاده کوشکوئه ا. خضری م. ویتالیونا بوشتراک M. Vitaliivna Bushtruk س. واسیلیوویچ تکاچنکو ر. ولادیمیریونا استاوتسکا ن. ایگوریونا کلاپمکو -
Open Access Article
27 - Costs and Benefits of Beef Cattle Fattening Schemes in some Selected Areas of North West Tanzania
J.L. Malole R.J.M. Kadigi A.Z. Sangeda -
Open Access Article
28 - The Effect of SNP c.100800G > A on CAST|Cfr13I Gene Polymorphisms with Ultrasound Imaging of Meat Characteristics and Growth Traits in Bali Cattle
N.M.P. Setyani R. Priyanto J. Jakaria -
Open Access Article
29 - Investigation of Differences in Biochemical and Mineral Composition of Urine between Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Crossbred Dairy Cattle
م.م. خان اس. پراساد اف.آ. خان اچ.پ. گوپتا -
Open Access Article
30 - Genetic and Economic Aspects of Applying Embryo Transfer in Traditional and Genomic Evaluation in Iranian Holstein Dairy Cattle
آ. بوستان ا. نجاتی-جوارمی ا. رضوان نژاد ع. مجتهدین -
Open Access Article
31 - Comparison of Different Lactation Curve Models to Describe Lactation Curve in Moroccan Holstein-Friesian Dairy Cows
I. Boujenane -
Open Access Article
32 - Lack of Association between Somatotropin Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Birth Weight of Iranian Indigenous Sistani Cattle
آ. جوانمرد س. ر. میرایی آشتیانی آ. ترکمن زهی م. مرادی شهر بابک -
Open Access Article
33 - Long Term Feeding Effects of a Vaccine against of Endotoxemia (ENDOVAC-Beef) on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Growing-Finishing Calf-Fed Holstein Steers
B.C. Latack P.H. Carvalho A. Plascencia R.A. Zinn