فهرس المقالات پویا کلانتری

  • المقاله

    1 - The Effect of Vitality Aspect on the Intimacy Feeling of Shiraz Urban Neighborhoods Inhabitants
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , العدد 2 , السنة 12 , بهار 2022
    The present s‌tudy aimed to discover the memorabilia aspects and evaluate the effectiveness level on promoting the feeling of intimacy of inhabitants in localities to their biological scopes. The feeling of intimacy is a multidimensional issue for which various aspects أکثر
    The present s‌tudy aimed to discover the memorabilia aspects and evaluate the effectiveness level on promoting the feeling of intimacy of inhabitants in localities to their biological scopes. The feeling of intimacy is a multidimensional issue for which various aspects are compelling. Based on the recent s‌tudies, memory as one of the criteria examines the feeling of intimacy toward their habitats. To assess the theoretical patterns, three locations were chosen as a case s‌tudy among old localities, including Ishaq Beyg, Blacks‌tone, and chicken market and three areas of irrigation, Havabord, and Eslahnezhad among new localities of Shiraz. A consis‌tent ques‌tionnaire was dis‌tributed among them. This s‌tudy includes a practical method is and developed based on correlation and descriptive-analytical technique. The ques‌tionnaires data were assessed by SPSS software and Spearman Correlation Coefficient tes‌ts, ANOVA, Tukey, Samples, and Paired Tes‌t Samples T and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Our results indicated the homogeneity of particular localities in old and new contexture based on the individual feature's similarities and importance of memory aspect on the promotion of intimacy in all localities. Thus, social memories are more effective than skeletal ones in promoting the inhabitant's intimacy in localities. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Comparison and analysis of the cognitive effect of the role of memory index on promoting the sense of belonging of residents in new and old neighborhoods in Shiraz City
    Space Ontology International Journal , العدد 2 , السنة 10 , بهار 2021
    The man-made environment in which man lives is not merely a scientific tool or the result of aimless events, rather it is structured and embodies meaning. These meanings and structures reflect man's understanding of the natural and man-made environment and his general s أکثر
    The man-made environment in which man lives is not merely a scientific tool or the result of aimless events, rather it is structured and embodies meaning. These meanings and structures reflect man's understanding of the natural and man-made environment and his general state of being. The meaning that man understands from the man-made environment, individually or socially, creates memories in his mind which ultimately increases the sense of belonging of residents to the living space. To create more meaningful spaces and promote the sense of belonging of residents to the space of their residence, this study sought to discover the memorable factors affecting the sense of belonging of residents to their living space. To evaluate the theoretical model, three neighborhoods including Sang-e Siah, Ishaq Beyg, and Morgh Bazaar were selected from the old neighborhoods of Shiraz, and three neighborhoods including Abiyari, Eslah Nejad, and Havabord were selected as a case study from the new neighborhoods of Shiraz and a questionnaire was distributed. The basic research method of this paper was a correlation. The data of the questionnaire were evaluated using Spss software, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (Spearman's ρ), Tukey, ANOWA, Paired Sample T-Test, and Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearson's r). The memory factor was the independent variable and the sense of belonging was the dependent variable. The results of the present study indicated the importance of the memory factor in promoting a sense of belonging in all neighborhoods. Accordingly, the effect of social memories was greater than physical memories on promoting the sense of belonging of neighborhood residents and in general, the sense of belonging of residents to neighborhoods in the new fabric was much less than the old texture. Overall, the index of reminiscent elements from physical memories and familiarity with the neighborhood from social memories had the most impact and the factor of historical buildings from physical memories and non-governmental organizations from social memories had the least effect on promoting residents' sense of belonging to the living space. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - بررسی دیدگاه احزاب بریتانیا درباره برگزیت با تاکید بر نظریات توسعه سیاسی
    مطالعات روابط بین الملل , العدد 2 , السنة 13 , تابستان 1399
    بریتانیا در اتحادیه اروپا عضوی است که هیچ‌گاه با این سازمان پیوند وثیقی نداشته و حتی در مواردی چارچوب‌های اتحادیه اروپا در حوزه مالی و روادید را نپذیرفته است. آخرین نمونه از ناهمدلی بریتانیا با اتحادیه با برگزاری همه‌پرس جدایی در سال 2016 قابل مشاهده است. جدایی بریتانیا أکثر
    بریتانیا در اتحادیه اروپا عضوی است که هیچ‌گاه با این سازمان پیوند وثیقی نداشته و حتی در مواردی چارچوب‌های اتحادیه اروپا در حوزه مالی و روادید را نپذیرفته است. آخرین نمونه از ناهمدلی بریتانیا با اتحادیه با برگزاری همه‌پرس جدایی در سال 2016 قابل مشاهده است. جدایی بریتانیا از اتحادیه اروپا، مخالفان و موافقانی را در بین مردم و احزاب سیاسی این کشور به همراه داشته است. در این مقاله، نگارندگان از طریق روش تحلیل ثانویه به گردآوری نظرات توسعه سیاسی و همچنین دیدگاه احزاب اصلی بریتانیا در رابطه با برگزیت پرداخته‌اند و سپس با استفاده از روش توصیفی- تحلیلی به بررسی تاثیر نظریات توسعه سیاسی به عنوان متغیر مستقل بر روی رویکرد احزاب نسبت به مسئله برگزیت به عنوان متغیر وابسته پرداخته‌اند. بنابراین هدف از این پژوهش بررسی دیدگاه احزاب سیاسی بریتانیا در روند برگزیت بر اساس نظریات توسعه سیاسی است. نتایج به دست آمده از این پژوهش نشان می‌دهد که با تکیه بر نظریات توسعه سیاسی، تا حدود زیادی می‌توان دیدگاه احزاب سیاسی بریتانیا را در حوزه برگزیت تحلیل نمود. برای مثال حزب کارگر با برگزیت موافق است ولی سیر پیش روی آن مخالف توسعه سیاسی است، چرا که به دنبال مواردی مثل اقتصاد دولتی است. تفاصيل المقالة