Enhancing ELT Instructors’ Effectiveness Through Reflection :A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
الموضوعات : Research in English Language Pedagogy
1 - Department of ELT, Farhangian University
الکلمات المفتاحية: ELT instructors, structural equation modeling, reflective teaching, effective teaching,
ملخص المقالة :
In the last few years, the idea of reflection has been extensively employed in different teacher education programs to assist teachers in the process of explaining their ideas about their teaching activities and improving their teaching practices. The present study aimed at examining the relationship between EFL instructors’ reflective teaching and effective teaching. To this end, 120 ELT instructors from different colleges and universities in Khorasan Razavi province were asked to participate in the study. The participants were asked to fill in two reliable questionnaires to measure their reflective and effective teaching. The results of the data analysis exhibited a positive correlation between reflective teaching and effective teaching and the results of the Pearson correlation also demonstrated that there are positive meaningful relationships between instructors’ reflective teaching and all four subscales of effective teaching. Specifically, the highest correlation is observed between instructors' reflective teaching and their self-awareness. A meaningful correlation was also demonstrated between effective teaching and teaching experience.
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