A Learning-Centered Analysis of the ESP Needs of Engineering Students
Subject Areas : All areas of language and translation
Sartoon Mostafavi
Ahmad Mohseni
Gh Abbasian
1 - PhD Candidate of TEFL at South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, English Department, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: ESP, Needs analysis, Learning-centered approach, Technical English,
Abstract :
The current study investigated Iranian engineering students’ target situation and learning needs about a tertiary level course of English for specific purposes (ESP). To this end, a convenience sample including 27 ESP instructors and 222 students majoring in different fields of engineering from 10 randomly selected Iranian universities participated in an exploratory sequential mixed-method study. As the preliminary stage of the analysis, the instructor participants were interviewed about various domains representing the ESP needs of engineering students. The qualitative teacher-elicited data were used to develop a needs analysis questionnaire specific to the student participants of the study. The descriptive analysis of the responses provided by the engineering students to the needs analysis questionnaire shed light on the significant learner needs relevant to ESP learning and those related to the target situation of use. Providing a context-relevant scheme to design, evaluate, and modify ESP courses for Iranian students of engineering, the study’s findings could positively influence the current ESP pedagogy in Iran.
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