The meaning of place, A constant or changing quality? Lynch,Rapoport and Semiotics view points
Subject Areas :
Space Ontology International Journal
Avideh Kamrani
Mustafa Behzadfar
1 - Ph.D. Candidate , University of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture and Urbanism,Tehran,Iran
2 - Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Science and Technology,Tehran.Iran
Received: 2015-08-04
Accepted : 2016-06-04
Published : 2016-06-01
Abstract :
The matter of meaning in place, is one of the main qualities of human life. People consciously or unconsciously looking for meanings in places. The importance of finding the meaning of place is that, Understanding the meaning will lead to “act” in place. Finding the place friendly, or finding it insecure will lead to act differently. Now the question is that, is the meaning of place, something constant to put in place for ever or something changing from time to time. Does it related to physical elements of place or to the people using the place? Understanding the answers of questions above, would help the placemakers plan and design places better than before and meaningless places won’t happen anymore.
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