Development of a regeneration model based on neo-urbanism with an emphasis on the socio-cultural dimension in run-down urban neighborhoods (Case study: District 7 of Isfahan)
Subject Areas : Space Ontology International Journal
Parisa Mohseni
Keramatollah Ziari
Masoud Elahi
Mohammadreza Khatibi
1 - Department of urban design, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad university, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Faculty of Geography, Department of Geography and Town Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of urban design, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad university, Qazvin, Iran
4 - Department of urban design, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad university, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: urban regeneration, New-Urbanism, Dilapidated Neighborhoods,
Abstract :
Neo-urbanism has been formed as a new approach to urban designing and planning in criticism of contemporary urban planning, which has a scattered, inhuman, machine-like pattern urban regeneration is the concept of revitalization and urban renewal and is a subject with physical and non-physical dimensions that also includes social and cultural dimensions. Therefore, in urban regeneration and endogenous development of worn-out textures, the effort is to create balance and harmony between the foundations of social life in these textures by using people's social dynamics and their participation. This research aims to formulate a regeneration model based on socio-cultural dimensions and indicators in neo-urbanism. The research method in this research is based on the fundamental-developmental goal and based on the nature of descriptive-analytical methods. The required information has been collected using the library resources of scientific centers such as universities, organizations, institutes, and research centers, the Internet, the results of censuses and official information of relevant departments and organizations, field investigations and questionnaire data, and interviews with people and local officials and observation according to the dominant theory of neo-urbanism. This research calculates information resources using the SWOT table method, content analysis, and SPSS software through Cochran's formula. In the current research, three social-cultural, physical-infrastructural, and economic-institutional dimensions and their indicators were identified in the reconstruction of worn-out fabric with the perspective of urban renewal based on the findings of the research, it can be concluded that Isfahan Region 7 is in an unfavorable situation in terms of the indicators of the effect of the residents of the neighborhoods on the growth and improvement of the desirable quality of life, the suitable security of the neighborhoods for the movement of citizens in a stable condition, and the index of the relationship between the citizens and the residents of the neighborhoods with local institutions (such as municipalities). As a result, social participation is one of the factors in realizing urban regeneration. This category in the current research has been taken into consideration by the research experts in the index (low level of social participation at the neighborhood level), which shows that the research results are aligned with the previous research.
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