The Genealogy of the Relationship between Human and Nature in the Iranian Contemporary Architecture, based on Foucault's idea (Case Study: Pahlavi Period)
Subject Areas : Space Ontology International Journal
Kianoush Faraji
Qader Bayzidi
1 - Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran.
2 - Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran.
Keywords: human, architecture, nature, Foucault's Genealogy, Pahlavi period,
Abstract :
Human is a small part of nature and with its constant presence in the natural environment, it was able to create an artificial and man-made environment tailored to its needs. Identifying structural components of nature and adapting them to the three dimensions of body, spirit and soul and their role in creating physical, functional and content components in architecture, is the beginning of the creation of man's interactive relationship with nature. Throughout history, the presence of meaningful components such as myths, beliefs, wisdom, logic, etc. has given this relationship a deeper meaning and led to the creation of various trends in architecture. The main purpose is identifying the dominant discourses in the society and their role in creating an interactive relationship between man and nature in the architecture of the Pahlavi period. Foucault's genealogy is research method and discourse analyses were used to analyze the data. Results of the research show that although the developments of the contemporary era have changed the nature of needs and modified the concepts of nature; but the presence of nature has played a key role in the structure of human life more than ever. In the Pahlavi period, the representation of nature in the architecture embodied the meaning and socio-political connections of power. During this period, political ideas, instead of being classified in the form of single thought patterns and traditions and imposed on society, came to the fore through the concepts of nature and under the influence of new discourses, leading to the normative acceptance of power in the society.
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Www. Fa