Evaluating Quality of Life in a Different Social Setting (Case Study: Magsudiyeh District, MollaZeynal District, and Roshdiyeh District in Tabriz, Iran)
Subject Areas :
Space Ontology International Journal
Aynaz Samadi Ahari
Dariush Sattarzadeh
1 - Department of Art & Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Department of Art & Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
Received: 2018-12-17
Accepted : 2019-09-05
Published : 2019-09-01
quality of life,
Tabriz City,
Social Class,
Subjective Indicator,
Objective Indicator,
Abstract :
Complex situations of today's life have led to the complexity of urban life issues and not pay attention to the quality of life. Studies in this field are increasingly gaining the attention of urban planners and policymakers due to its usefulness in assessing and monitoring public policies, also they can use as effective tools in urban management and planning. This study investigated the QOL in a different social setting, using subjective and objective indicators. In this research Tabriz City, Iran has been chosen as the sample for this study. Three different social setting were selected by stratified random sampling method. 42 indicators which cover different dimensions of quality of life have been selected through literature review. Multi-stage sampling technique for sampling has been applied. In the first stage by application of Cochran sampling method, the required sample size has been determined. Then by use of systematic sampling method, questionnaires have been distributed among the residents of the neighborhood. The required data has been collected and are analyzed via SPSS software. Results indicate that: In all three case studies, unemployment is the main problem of residents in this city, which causes many problems in the society; In three districts, 4 dimensions of subjective and 3 dimensions of objective QOL are identified. Also, the results show that the respondents' different levels of education, income, occupation status, etc. are important factors that influence people's attitudes toward the quality of life.
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