Explaining a Conceptual Model for Sustainable Regeneration of the River Valleys of the City of Tehran (Case study: Darakeh River Valley in Tehran)
Subject Areas :
Space Ontology International Journal
Kimia Moazeni
Mojtaba Rafieian
Mohammad Saeid Izadi
Esmaeil Salehi
1 - Pِh.D Candidate, Department of urban planning, Faculty of Engineering,Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch.iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of urban planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture,
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
4 - Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Environment , University of Tehran, Tehran , Iran.
Received: 2018-07-18
Accepted : 2018-10-28
Published : 2018-09-01
River valley,
Integrated approach,
Preservation and development,
Abstract :
The issues of loss of quality of life and functional disruption of the river valleys are very important. In the present settlement system, the river valleys should not be places for reproducing poverty. To link the environmental values with urban development, the research is to answer the following question: How can the results of the integrated development of urban valleys be achieved via urban planning? In this study, river valleys, as the case study, were divided into four zones. Then, using the VIKOR method, these zones were ranked. After that, according to the relevant index, it was confirmed that the approaches adopted in the context of the reconstruction and organization of river valleys have failed to create a stable place. Sustainable urban regeneration, comprehensive and preventive approach and action for resolving urban problems of the target area of operations, and components of an integrated conservative development approach is replaced by some purely developmental and stereotypical measures. The conceptual model of sustainable urban regeneration resulting from the theoretical and responding questions to the research question as a step forward with the goal of optimal management and policy making in the valleys are explained and suggested to enhance the quality of these sensitive areas as the natural and exclusive wealth of cities such as Tehran Metropolis.
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