Revisiting Blended Learning in TPACK: A Content-Based Study of Themes and Implications
Subject Areas : Research in English Language Pedagogy
Mojgan Barekat
Amin Naeimi
Ashraf Haji Maibodi
1 - Department of English, Maybod Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maybod, Iran.
2 - Department of English, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Department of English, Maybod Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maybod, Iran.
Keywords: TPACK, Technology, implication, Blended learning,
Abstract :
Blended learning is used in education to combine information and communications technology. The technology role in blended learning might be improved in cases of effectively combining different aspects such as pedagogy, content, and knowledge. TPACK framework brings together these conceptionsnto workable solutions for blended learning instruction. It seems crucial to have digitally literate teachers. Digital literacy is far beyond supporting teachers to understand and engage with the world; it enables them to challenge, shape, and change their worlds. With the integration of pedagogy, technology, and TPACK in teaching, utilization of the blended learning model requires an overview. This study is a systematic review of blended learning, digital literacy, and TPACK to identify the blended learning research's main themes and implications. To this end, 20 research articles on blended learning and TPACK, which were selected from applied linguistics journals published by Iranian universities, were reviewed. The findings revealed that the main themes were advantages, difficulties, proper use, disadvantages, the effect of learners' differences, teachers' characteristics, and comparison of different contexts. Besides, the most prominent theoretical implications were the importance of technology, the role of teachers, the change and development of blended learning, and the development of learners' autonomy. The findings of this study could propose a roadmap to facilitate the adoption of blended learning, which is one of the possible solutions to face the major challenges of education in the current era.
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